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By Olivia Pierson
First published on Insight@theBFD 10/09/2020 It is cringeworthy to watch the world media slobber every time Jacinda Ardern lifts her little finger. But they did exactly the same thing when former-President Obama was in office. The world’s Main Stream Media gave both leaders sainted status, which ought to be no surprise considering that both Obama and Ardern hold an almost identical ideology, which most of the MSM also hold. That ideology is communism – and like all serious communist activists, they cloak themselves in the disguise of being mild and non-threatening socialists. Effectively what you have then is nothing less than wolves who govern in the clothing of sheep; they’re cunning, disingenuous and profoundly impression-management conscious, taking great care to flash phoney smiles when they talk, smiles which are often incongruent with the seriousness of the topics under discussion. They’re trained to master keeping their tone “nice” and “upbeat,” all the while decidedly reshaping the world after their horribly anti-Western agendas. It was the philosopher-novelist Ayn Rand who made the point that socialism is the close cousin of communism. She wrote: “There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” Obama’s speciality was to stoke the fires of racial disharmony in his own country. It could have been so great if he, as the first Black American President, could’ve exhibited the character development not to have done this. But alas, he never missed an opportunity to make highly public statements on black boys or black men who had been killed by a cop or a white man – even if the cop or white man happened to be acting in self defense. Knowing that America leans toward extreme sensitivity over the issue of race, a wiser president would’ve made the point over and over that skin colour has no bearing on anything and as an issue, is nothing if not bloody passé. While indulging gratuitously in his brand of racial hyperbole, it cannot be ignored that Obama accomplished next to nothing when it came to actually improving the lives of African Americans during his 8-year presidency. In the wake of Black Lives Matter activism reaching an emboldened fever-pitch, this fact has come back to haunt Obama’s legacy in spades, as untold black people now cross camps into the Republican party and proudly plan on voting Trump in record numbers this November. This is because Trump didn’t rely on talking-up his desire to help the black community, he went and acted for them by introducing comprehensive prison reform – the First Step Act (leniency for minor, first-time offences) and official pardons for gross injustices such as in the case of Alice Johnson. He also eliminated the practice of women giving birth inside prisons while chained to a hospital bed – many of whom were black women – unbelievably, Obama decided to look the other way on this one. The best thing Trump has done for the black community, so far, was to champion school choice for low-income families, giving them access to scholarships and generous tax credits to be able to send their kids to a private school of their own choosing instead of having to suffer their kids attending the crap government school around the corner. Also in education, Trump restored funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); traditional and respected institutes of higher learning for the black community since the end of slavery in the 19th Century. Obama allowed for their funding to expire. The second best thing Trump did for the national black community was overhauling the tax system and providing Opportunity Zones in underprivileged neighbourhoods resulting in $75 billion worth of investments and mentorship programmes. Black conservative activist Candace Owens has been mega-phone vocal in her support of Trump and made the point often that the Democrat Party, as it did during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, still fights to keep American blacks controlled “on the plantation.” But the most amusing and surprising person to have watched be red-pilled regarding the black community is Leo Terrell. A civil rights attorney and a staunch Democrat whose hatred for Trump was palpable, suddenly did an about turn this year and has become the most passionate Trump supporter. The reason for this is simple – he was paying attention after the high profile death of George Floyd when the protesting turned into rioting, looting and violence spreading all over American cities while the Democrats took great pains to not condemn the violence which overwhelmingly harmed black Americans, especially with their ludicrous call to defund the police. In a heated exchange back in June on Fox News show Hannity, Terrell calls far-Left black activist Cornell West, “a dinosaur,” and West appallingly calls Terrell, “negro.” In this coming election, Trump is hoping to win a significant percentage of the black voting electorate, in comparison to the modest 8 per cent he won back in 2016. To this very day, Obama, who has gracelessly not observed the gentlemanly presidential tradition of not making public criticisms of the incumbent president, continues his well-rehearsed, racist rhetoric, but can never compete in reality with Trump’s tangible, active achievements in support of black America.
Reality Check Radio: Six Hit Shows in One Week on the Assassination Attempt on Trump. NZ is Engaged!
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