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By Olivia Pierson
First published on The Good Oil In the past week we have witnessed a shocking turn of events in Syria, as the war-ravaged nation has fallen from the iron grip of Baathist Bashar al-Assad into the hands of Islamist jihadists. Many are labelling this event as ‘liberation’ but let’s cut the crap: what Islamists bring is never liberation but brutal regimes infused with unimaginable violence under Sharia law. The concept of liberty doesn’t exist within their religious framework at all. Amidst this turmoil, neighbouring Israel has taken decisively aggressive action by obliterating Syria’s military capabilities – including its entire navy and airforce – out of sheer necessity. They cannot afford to have war materiel end up in the hands of groups that are deeply hostile to their existence and who could blame them? In a jarring cultural contrast, we have a rather sordid incident in London involving a 23-year old internet personality named Lily Phillips, who recently called for 100 men to use her as a sex toy in a single 14-hour day for a shabby documentary. Unsurprisingly, she now seems a bit destroyed and riddled with regret, to say nothing of having the bloom rogered right out of her. One must wonder how a father could take pride in his daughter’s sexual exploits, as Lily’s father apparently does according to her. Far from playing a protective role over his daughter like a good father ought, he seems to be missing that instinct, which makes me wonder if he may be the main cause of her obvious problem with craving such attention from the opposite sex. I find this whole escapade utterly tragic on so many different levels. Ultimately it speaks to how low and base our culture has become where a young woman can act this way in public without a flush of shame. Then there are the unexplained aerial phenomena all over New Jersey, with thousands of witnesses spotting mysterious UAPs whilst the authorities remain militantly silent. Are they drones sent by hostile countries, like China or Iran, or something made in America by Lockheed Martin Skunkworks? Rest assured, someone knows the truth, it’s just that they’re not going to tell us any time soon. Are they really going to hologram & drone their way into a state of emergency before Trump takes office? And let us not forget Kim Hill’s disastrous interview with Boris Johnson. Her approach was embarrassingly formulaic: interrupt constantly, deploy sneering tone and rely on low-hanging fruit critiques that would impress only her most uncritical listeners. Physically, Hill appeared as disheveled as an alley cat caught in a rainstorm and totally uninterested in presenting a professional demeanour. Her appearance matched her interview’s lack of polish – rumpled, affected and trying way too hard to act intellectually superior. In the end, the interview said far more about Kim Hill’s limitations as an interviewer than it did about Boris Johnson’s political history. “Something something xenophobia, something something racist.” Yawn! It was a missed opportunity, wrapped in self-importance and delivered with all the elegance of a sledgehammer. On a more positive note, Time magazine has rightly named Donald Trump as Person of the Year for the second time. Considering the trials he has endured over the last nine years, his unshakeable toughness and commitment to America makes him not just the person of the year, but of the decade. I have never seen anyone who so deserves the US presidency more than he and I cannot wait for that reality come Jan 20th. [Edit since the weekend: The unwholesome ho Lily Phillips needs to be strapped into a chastity belt of medieval proportions, for her own safety & that of civilisation’s, after announcing she’s going to shag 1000 men come another day. I don’t know why, but I suspect she soon may be a British convert to Islam & the burka, given the fullness of time.. completing her stardom as Babylon’s Whore.]
Reality Check Radio: Six Hit Shows in One Week on the Assassination Attempt on Trump. NZ is Engaged!
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