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Last night America decisively voted to place the nation’s leadership back into the hands of the grownups. No political act in the world could’ve mattered more in importance. What an exhilarating finale to this election! After being lectured by left and right wing media commentators (as late as Monday night) that the election was all but over and Clinton was the obvious winner, those of us steadily believing in a Trump victory had to put our faith entirely in the power of Trump’s unwaveringly simple message being absorbed by what is left of the true American spirit. The message was received loud and clear. To witness the lash of hubris cutting so deep into the presumptuous arrogance from the Clinton controlled media is nothing but a joy. Their cheating, lying, deceitful machinations to propel a crooked candidate back into the Whitehouse didn’t work. It’s a great day for American politics when the average voter successfully jabs the eject button to fling an elitest wrongdoer back out into the cold night. It’s not just Hillary Clinton they’ve rejected; it’s the whole immature, feeble, social-justice-warrior code with all its politically correct flakes who’d rather place on the talking-points memo such weighty topics as transgender bathrooms and workplace micro aggressions, than a clear strategy on how to defeat ISIS and home-grown terrorism. Nobody could encapsulate this puerile immaturity more than CNN’s activist-commentator Van Jones after it was clear that Clinton had lost the election. His whining is the only thing more unconscionable than his helicopter parenting style, but if you can bear it, here’s just a snippet: “It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. You tell your kids don’t be a bully. You tell your kids don’t be a bigot. You tell your kids do your homework and be prepared. And then you have this outcome. And you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of, how do I explain this to my children? Afraid of breakfast?? Afraid of telling American kids that a man who was the subject of the most vile media bullying pileup in the history of the world has just won the presidency? Goodness! He also said: “This was a whitelash against a changing country. It was a whitelash against a black president in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes,” Everything is about poor black victims with this dude, and that folks is how these people mistakenly view the world – and they wonder how they could have possibly backed a loser? Someone needs to tell boy Jones to man up - and it’s got nothing to do with his skin colour and everything to do with the man-shaped hole inside him where his logic is meant to be. Hillary lost because she’s dishonest, deceitful and crooked. She also would’ve brought to the presidency the massive complication of still being under FBI investigation for the shady workings of her Clinton Foundation. She represented the continuation of a set of unAmerican socialist ideas that are childish, unintelligent, victim oriented (like Van Jones) and anaemic – in short, she represented U.N directed neoliberal globalism which would have been the ultimate undoing of her country. Globalism does not like independently sovereign nation states with strong borders anymore than it likes independently thinking people with strong leaders. To the undoing of America’s nationhood, Americans said ‘no thanks’. Well done Mr. Trump! Well done America, and thank you! You all have just averted a crisis in the Free World and though times are going to likely be tough, it's starting to look better already. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
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