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By Olivia Pierson
Nationalism has become the filthiest word in the modern Western lexicon (on a par with the word Colonialism), yet the value of nationalism is arguably good for any country which still has the ability to cultivate feelings of unity and pride in people who share a unique identity and cultural heritage. It is exactly this reason why globalists hate the idea so much. They see it as an obstacle to their bleak agenda of worldwide cultural homogeneity. It is a disagreement very similar in sentiment to the clash between individualism versus collectivism - in fact, it is almost identical to this, only more macrocosmic. Said globalists must just loathe the Olympic Games; all those powerful athletes patriotically representing their countries and competing for individual physical superiority. Horreurs! Marine Le Pen, who has to be one of the world’s most courageous women living today, incurs far too much criticism for standing on a nationalist platform, as if it’s a bad thing. The national character of France is what the French people once felt so proud to uphold since the time of its great influence over the European Enlightenment. This French character promoted valuable attributes - namely: the emancipation of women and children, religious tolerance, a dedication to scientific inquiry, the economic system of capitalism and innovation, and the greatest gem which makes all these others possible - freedom of speech and of the press. Watching France go through its general election has become almost as painful as the 2016 election resulting in the election of Donald J Trump as President. I say painful because of the media bias, skewed so heavily against Madame Le Pen, as it was (and still is) against Trump. Le Pen has been extremely vocal on conquering Islamic terrorism in her own country, terror which happens now somewhere in the Western world almost on a weekly basis, as some of us predicted it would (and that was before the great immigration crisis). The current socialist President, Hollande, has said that the French have to accept that this is now le-new-normal. Le Pen is saying “bollix to that” (in French of course), it is something they must fight and eradicate. Now that’s the spirit! Where have all the real Frenchmen gone? Le Pen’s opponent, 39 year old Emmanuel Macron, is declaring that the French people must vote for him in order to stop the “greatest enemy to France - nationalism.” Excusez moi - is he joking? I’m afraid not. He hates Marine Le Pen and nationalism more than he hates Islamic terror in France, ushered in by the multiculti zealots of the European Union with their suicidal open immigration policies - policies which Macron has committed to continue. The greatest enemy within France is Islamic terror attacks, similar to the Nice truck attack, the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the Bataclan Theatre massacre… and all the rest (over 32 attacks in the 21st Century alone). If Macron wins, he will uphold Hollande’s “just get used to it” attitude to these abominable horrors. Do you know what really happened on French soil to the kids at a rock concert when the Bataclan massacre happened? Some of their bodies were initially not allowed to be released to the parents because the torture had been so indescribably medieval - eyes gouged out, the genitals of their daughters slashed and the testicles of their sons cut off and placed in their mouths. The liberal media, along with the police, tried to suppress this because they have to go to great lengths not to appear Islamophobic, they’d rather suppress the truth than be accused of xenophobia. Do the parents of France really want this kind of mass murder to be accepted as the new normal in their once liberty oriented country? The liberal media has been trying to taint Marine Le Pen as the candidate of anger. I submit that if the people of France are subjected to these shocking acts of terror and don’t feel absolutely consumed by anger, they have already lost their moral compass, to say nothing of the fighting spirit their national anthem “La Marseillaise” encompasses: "...they come into our arms and slit the throats of our sons and women. To arms citizens! Form your battalions! Let’s march, let’s march! So the impure blood shall water the furrows of our fields!” Brava Marine Le Pen for still having the moral fortitude to emotionally experience righteous anger in the face of pure evil! It is instructive that a growing number of peaceful French muslims, who came to the country before Islamic terrorism took root, are voting for Marine Le Pen - they know first-hand exactly what their uncivilised, fundamentalist co-religionists are capable of, and it is what their parents came to France to get away from. They chose a secular country like France in which to raise their families so this kind of evil would be foreign to their children. Like most people, they failed to anticipate how the Trojan Horse of multiculturalism would usher these horrible acts right into the homes next door. These French muslims do not support open immigration from Islamic lands and are disturbed by the orthodox Salafist enclaves of those who would seek to Islamise France: “In September Mohamed Boudia posted on social media a selfie of himself and Le Pen, an act for which he was threatened with death, and which served to reinforce his own belief that the Islamic extremists must be rooted out. While the majority of France’s estimated 4.5 million Muslims want to lead peaceful, integrated lives (only 2.1m are said to have declared their faith), there are hundreds, possibly thousands, of extremists.” Right now, French unemployment sits at ten percent. How can France sustain taking in more welfare-dependent refugees and migrants, peaceful or otherwise, when unemployment is this high? Even if they could, why should they, as if it represents some moral obligation to take in those coming from the bitterly sectarian third world who bring their backward problems with them? Le Pen is the only candidate who speaks sense around these issues - French citizens first - the rest put on indefinite hold as France sees fit. That is its absolute right as a sovereign nation. Considering that Marine wrested control of the National Front from out of her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen’s, holocaust-denying grip - causing a vicious family feud, she has sought to turn the party into something significantly rational, a party which envisions a secular, sovereign France with control of its economy, borders and culture. For a daughter to be prepared to confront her infamous and powerful father over issues she thought him to be profoundly wrong on, shows remarkable strength of character and integrity to personal values. She has shown herself to be a true descendent of an enlightened country which once gave the world philosophical greats such as Emilie du Chatelet, Voltaire, Descartes, Lavoisier, Bastiat and was a most beloved second home to Benjamin Franklin. Refreshingly, because she has a sense of history, Marine also knows who these amazing people were and what they achieved during The Enlightenment and beyond. She is exactly what France needs at its helm in order to hold a steadfast course through the politically stormy waters of the next decade. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
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