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By Olivia Pierson This New Zealand story of a thoughtful and loving family up against the cold, hard machinery of state health control is nothing short of infuriating to those who still have a pulse, let alone a semblance of spleen. I can only imagine the distress that the Savage-Reeve family are going through as they find themselves summoned to Auckland’s High Court with their medical guardianship over their son, Baby Will, hanging in the balance. This is the result of New Zealand’s government health authorities smugnorantly thinking they have more rights than parents do over decisions surrounding a sick child and his immediate medical treatment. What the Savage-Reeve family are currently going through is not an ethical “conundrum,” as the NZ Herald today claims, it is a clear ethical perversion of medical individual rights being brutally overridden by the State. Baby Will is a sick little fellow whose parents want him to have the recommended treatment - open heart surgery at four months old. But the family do not want Baby Will to be given any blood transfusions which are drawn from blood banks where a majority of donors have been injected with the experimental Covid-19 jabs. The Savage-Reeve’s have managed to steer their family clear of the C-19 jab in the last two years and do not want its possible complications transfused into their tiny son. The risks of doing this are not truly known or even yet gathered, but the medical profession in this case cockily lay claim to it being “safe” repeating “that there is no evidence that this represents any risk.” That’s just plausible deniability bullshit. Concerning Covid-19′s spike protein, New Zealand Blood Service said it was present in “vanishingly small quantities” in the blood of some people for the first two weeks after vaccination. “It is not found in the blood after this time period has passed. There is no evidence that this represents any risk to recipients.” These are the same professionals who nodded along with the original messaging that the spike protein stays in the deltoid muscle, only to be proven wrong when it was discovered that it flowed freely into every single organ in the body, with high concentrations in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, adrenal glands and ovaries. And we know without dispute that it can damage the heart. The Covid-19 “vaccination” is a mass medical experiment. I’ve never heard anyone who can seriously refute that simple assertion. Inarguably, jabs in every arm were rolled out without the usual 3,5,7 - 10 year data - now we’re going to pay the price. For damn good reasons multitudes of Kiwis mistrust what the medical profession state to be “safe and effective”: three years of outright fear propaganda, weird and manipulative coercion to be injected en masse followed by current sudden deaths, chronic illness and an increase in all cause mortality - our media and medical staff constantly espouse that our hospital system is on the verge of collapse. These remain serious reasons to not want a sick baby boy to be transfused with blood that carries undisclosed, untested ingredients into his blood stream and organs. Blanking all of that out, and in total tandem with the NZBS, Starship hospital authorities (Te Whatu Ora) refused to allow any alternative solution for the family claiming that there is minimal risk for any harm to Baby Will, though this doesn’t make any sense considering people donating blood are routinely asked if they’ve had any vaccinations over the last 12 months before giving blood. There have clearly always been medical reasons to question vaccinated blood, until this peculiar moment. Now it’s something a family is being criminalised for. The Savage-Reeve family organised a group of people with Will’s blood type - who freely offered to donate their blood to him - without the need to draw on the available blood banks. Instead of respecting the family’s protective conscience over the wellbeing of their own son, they were told by the medical authorities that they were conspiracy theorists and Starship hospital took it upon themselves to seek legal, medical guardianship of Baby Will placed into their impersonal hands and taken out of the decision making ability of the Savage-Reeve family. That is a medical dictatorship operating against one small, vulnerable family - and it must not pass. “This is a very urgent and unusual case,” said lawyer Sue Grey, acting for the parents. “This case is about parents that want better care than the care the state has offered.” She said her clients had been labelled ‘conspiracy theorists.’ There is compelling international evidence justifying the concern my clients have got. The family are actually seeking a higher standard of care than the State is willing to provide.” The family solved their own problem of blood donor-ship, yet they’ve been treated by a posse of rigid medical bureaucrats as though they were thoughtless and unfit guardians of their son - when the total opposite is true. Cole Reeve and Samantha Savage-Reeve are heroic parents who should be commended for their mindful integrity to the health of their family, not persecuted in any way. In an honest, decent society which operates on good will, they present no problem whatsoever. If this is really about the healthy well-being of a baby boy, they present no problem whatsoever. I hope and pray for a good outcome to the upcoming mediation. This family has enough to endure without the threat of being deemed “unfit” parents by an out-of-control State that has arrogated such powers to itself without proper cause. * Author’s edit: This is actually a case where the hospital are blocking the treatment needed for Baby Will. Blood donors are on stand-by, yet Health NZ (Te Whatu Ora) and NZBS are blocking the much needed surgery with this unreasonable and authoritarian legal delay to remove guardianship from the parents.
Reality Check Radio: Six Hit Shows in One Week on the Assassination Attempt on Trump. NZ is Engaged!
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