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By Olivia Pierson
First published on Insight @theBFD 21/05/2020 Jacinda Ardern has crossed the line from New Zealand’s Prime Minister to its tyrant. We have watched her toe this line for several years as she promised to crack down on free speech laws – and she did indeed begin to politicise the police force by having them regularly visit the homes of many conservative bloggers and social media users to ask questions about their posts. Also came her swift gun control legislation after the Christchurch shooting, and the fiasco of the buy-back, which saw decent, law abiding gun owners handing in their guns while gangs and criminals got to keep theirs. But now “JacArd” has leapt all the way over the other side of the demarcation between leadership and tyranny with her nationwide lockdown, and subsequent destruction of thousands of NZ private businesses. Yet, even worse than all of this – much worse in fact, is her government’s hastily processed, reckless Covid 19 Public Health Response Bill, which passed into law on May 13th 2020. This bill handed the police ludicrously panoptic powers for the first time ever seen in this country. Police can now enter a private home without a warrant. This is no longer a First World standard of justice – it’s Banana republic territory. As if all this is not horrific enough, there remains a much more sinister aspect to this repugnant bill which should be of utmost concern to NZ citizens: it has handed unprecedented powers to the Ministry of Health to create a class of “authorised” people, i.e., citizens whom The Ministry appoint, or employ, to make sure that businesses and public places enforce social distancing rules and all the rest of the high panic measures around COVID-19. If businesses are seen to not comply fully, they can be shut down on the spot. This “authorised person or class of persons” is the very definition of a Stasi – a state security service (or safety service) – whose main task in the communist dictatorship of the German Democratic Republic was to spy on the population and create a network of citizen informants. Here’s the wording in the bill which passed last week: Subpart 3 – Enforcement, offences and penalties Authorised persons 18 Authorised persons
(ii) the functions and powers that may be carried out by the authorised person or class of persons; and (iii) the term of the authorisation. (3) The Director-General may renew any authorisation given under subsection (1). (4) The Director-General may revoke an authorisation given under this section – (a) in the case of an individual, for incapacity, neglect of duty, or misconduct; or (b) in the case of an individual, on the written request of the authorised person; or (c) if the Director-General considers the the authorisation is no longer necessary or desirable. (5) If a person ceases to be an authorised person, they must surrender to the Director-General all articles and documents received by the person in relation to the authorisation. During the Covid so-called emergency, we already saw a hotline quickly created for folks to anonymously snitch on their neighbours and fellow countrymen and women. Now JacArd’s government has legislated for a whole new bureaucracy of people to be employed to spy on other citizens in an official capacity. The cultural effect on our country of unleashing these pernicious laws are unimaginable, but we can be in no doubt that this dystopian territory is no longer democratic, nor healthy, nor patriotic. Professor Paul Hunt, NZ’s current Human Rights Commissioner, expressed his “deep concern” about the rushed lack of scrutiny with the passing of the bill. He said: “This is a great failure of our democratic process. The new legislation, if passed in its current state, will result in sweeping police powers unseen in this country for many years. In times of national emergency sweeping powers are granted. There is a risk of overreach. Mistakes are made and later regretted.” When radical Lefties, such as Professor Hunt, voice their “deep concern” at a lack of scrutiny in a new bill permitting undue police powers, we’re really in dire straits – since Professor Hunt was brought to New Zealand to help this government enact anti hate speech laws. The bill’s sunset clause of two years was amended to being “reviewed” every three months, and funerals and tangis have been allowed up to 50 people instead of just 10, but apart from those small amendments, the bill did pass “in its current state.” JacArd is not even putting up the pretence of appearing to lead a free and democratic country anymore, she has instead become intoxicated on dictatorial powers and the honking hurrahs of a large gaggle of global press geese. This is now an untenable situation for the free people of New Zealand who truly value liberty. Governments are instituted among men in order to effect the safety and security of their natural rights, as America’s Declaration of Independence instructed the world and set the example for all free nations. – When a government becomes abusive of these ends, as citizens it is our right as well as our duty to remove such a government from office. – When police can enter at will private homes and businesses with no warrant in order to enforce new laws against the owners, that is an egregious abuse of freedom. – When government empowers citizens to be transformed into a network of spies to police new laws in the public and private spheres, that is an egregious abuse of freedom. – Locking down an entire population of citizens, as communist China set the example for everyone to do, is an egregious abuse of freedom. – Recklessly vandalising a country’s economy in the name of enforced “safety” is an egregious abuse of freedom. The New Zealand public had no say in the bill’s passing – the fact that it was hurtled through parliament at break-neck speed with enough votes from the Coalition shows New Zealand that chillingly, this government cares not a whit for upholding the precious cornerstone principles of our liberty and natural rights. This government has chosen to blackmail NZ citizens in the most emotive terms imaginable – to quote Ardern when she pitched the idea of lockdown over the TV airways: “If we don’t do this now, tens of thousands of people WILL die!” That was pure, hyperbolic nonsense; fake news built on false information and designed to instil panic and fear in a population – and it worked. Jacinda Ardern’s government is not worthy to lead a free people. They well know this, which is why they are taking our freedoms away. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
Graeme Bridge
27/5/2020 07:51:26 pm
Great article and a superb analysis
30/5/2020 04:00:21 am
Not sure if i read the same article? Because the one I read was utter shit
Paul Cooper
1/6/2020 10:27:53 pm
thats because yr an idiot
6/6/2020 09:03:10 pm
I have to agree. Factually correct, true ...but so incredibly narrow minded to be politically biased digital toilet paper. You cannot run a country, a business, or a household, by freedoms or law for that matter, alone. All parties agreed to the lockdown as the way, the democratically elected representatives we chose, to deal with this situation. The civil liberties path you bleat about would have us ignore the issue. Far enough call you parents and say good bye to one of them. Then call your neighbours and theirs. Most people have to get it and for over 65's it will kill 1 in 4. Sorry I am not voting for your type of leadership for my country.
your reactionary comment was even more utter shit. How did the pointless lockdowns turn out. Sweden who did not lockdown ended the pandemic weeks ago. yet NZ carries on with sheep like you cheering the way.
Trisha Jacobsen
29/8/2020 04:23:15 pm
About time this all came out! The problem is many ordinary kiwis believe in St. j she can do or say no wrong and she spell
Chuck Bird
27/5/2020 08:25:53 pm
The initial lock down had the agreement of all parties. However, we have to deal with the present. We cannot have a democratic election while we cannot have electorate meeting of at least 500 for a reasonable time before the election.
Kerry Deane
28/5/2020 09:11:48 pm
I am reminded of TheEnabling Act forced through the Reichstag by the Nazis in 1933. It granted the government (good ole Adolph and his henchmen) such wide powers that it was nothing more than a licence for dictatorship
Andrew Jones
29/5/2020 07:20:15 am
Good analogy - the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act followed the Reichstag Fire, which has become a metaphor for any crisis that allows a government to assume dictatorial powers.
1/7/2020 01:10:16 am
Yep. For your ‘safety’.
Purple Flower
27/5/2020 08:30:32 pm
Comrade Huggy Bear is the leader of a cult, which embraces practically everyone in NZ. Her devoted and loyal subjects have enabled her to become such a tyrant.
27/5/2020 09:03:38 pm
Quite right P.F.
Z Love
28/5/2020 10:43:04 pm
There is some small parties, like the NZ Outdoors Party, that seems to be in the race NOT for power but freedom of the people. And we could ALL refuse to vote and lead a peaceful civil rebellion.
Willy Jeep
29/5/2020 12:31:03 pm
You say the people of NZ voted for this Marxist, no they did not the opposition party got the majority vote however Winston Peters the traitorous leader of the NZ First Party via our MMP system held the country to ransom and cobbled together a coalition of the losers to steal the election off the popular vote, and Peters took the role of deputy PM in payment for his treachery.. Adern had never even won in her electorate seat and she has not in the Country either. Dont listen to the Global MSM nor the just as Leftist NZ media to gage her poularity, as its all bullshit, this ex president of the International Socialist Youth is not very popular at all in NZ and those outlets who say she is are as Trump would say.....Fake News.
29/5/2020 03:50:19 pm
I agree with you Willy Jeep.
Nelly Hymen
30/5/2020 03:03:08 am
Willy you are so correct ..JA is a liar and a traitor to her country people.
Doug Longmire
2/6/2020 03:27:46 pm
Agree Willy,
1/7/2020 01:13:19 am
That she is Nelly; a seditious prevaricator
Lyndsay Veganforlife
29/5/2020 05:18:23 pm
Purple Flower - spot on !
Nelly Hymen
30/5/2020 03:00:23 am
So agree Purple Flower
Keith Huggins
3/6/2020 02:22:27 pm
An unfortunate nickname that you have chosen for Jacinda. It is one on the nicknames I have enjoyed for myself over the years. I am no supporter of Jacinda and her socialist agenda. So, if you don't mind, could you leave me with my nickname and find another for Jacinda. Maybe 'Joan of Nark'
27/5/2020 11:29:51 pm
Comment comment comment
27/5/2020 11:54:04 pm
Has at any point she broken the Law.
28/5/2020 01:23:13 am
Jacinda the Bubble whom lives at level zero has no authority. She took concern for a biblical plague and chose to destroy the nation. A generation of Kiwis and more will need to live with the social blight she and her conniving cabinet have called down on the New Zealand people. Jobs and economy destroyed. The crisis gave her ideology an excuse to load the credit card of our children’s future with unpayable debt. It will be spent with kiwibuild competence, and hence wasted. Race wars reignited. A divided nation are easier to control. Your stance on abortion is a building block. Whether you chose to kill your child for convenience, or defend them with your very soul, defines you. Commercial giants support abortion, gay marriage, etc, as it separates people from children and allows them to be imprisoned to their lusts. Sexual and economic lust are related. You are enslaved by your sins. A nation that celebrates self indulgence and murder for convenience is a conquered nation, and will hock the credit card with not a wit of care for the future, as big gov has got the tab. Commercials salivate for enslaved people. Draconian imprisonment laws, justifying her illegal house arrest. Hate speech laws enabling loser goons to define anything they don’t like as hate. Bought off the media, a bunch of naked emperors cavorting about having bet the house on Jacinda, must be desperate. They have sold credibility to push her ideology. It will never be forgotten. It just doesn’t end. Evil will bring about good though. Vote NC.
29/5/2020 03:57:08 pm
Pb - True!!
30/5/2020 01:01:17 am
I was just reading a live comment section, when two of the NZrs began to salivate over the best PM NZ has ever had, and how "we" "knocked off the corona". How amazing she is. These people are absolutely deaf dumb and blind. The kind of wilful ignorance that leads to nodding and smiling as you're let into a ditch.
28/5/2020 06:55:24 am
We need to stand together and serve Conrad Jacinda under the magna carta and have her and all her whipps for treason.
28/5/2020 06:49:31 pm
Paddle - exactly
28/5/2020 07:22:48 pm
The moment the beep comes through their phones onto the screen saying level drop, these people will suddenly move next to each other.
28/5/2020 08:49:12 pm
shes a china lover tresonous communest lyre
28/5/2020 09:54:42 pm
It is clear as mud that our governments behaviour is exactly what is now happening in all other parts of the world. The virus appears to be the perfect template to launch an agenda under the pressure of its presence with data that has been manipulated, that is clear as mud from not one or two but thousands upon thousands. Our governments actions warrant concern with her subtle law changes in a hurried manner and more worse than that our very own Maori ministers who support and follow her lead by the boot strapping and gagging tape to keep a hush? Why? Do you have something to hide?
28/5/2020 11:24:16 pm
Great article, so happy to see people not afraid to speak the truth! I have shared on my Facebook. Blessings Olivia 🙏❤️
Philip J Bradbury
29/5/2020 01:01:17 am
I agree that Queen Jacinda needs to be dethroned but all of us here are just talk, talk, talking. Is anyone taking any action?
Mike Loder
29/5/2020 03:28:49 am
You missed the latest... Labour now want total control over our internet. Remember, I called it first.... Tyrant
29/5/2020 12:35:06 pm
Like you do over your bitchy website
Purple Flower
29/5/2020 11:38:00 am
It seems to me that Jacinda's success in gaining the adoration and blind faith of her followers is due to one clever tactic. She is constantly telling the people of NZ that they are so much better than the people of other countries and that NZ leads the world in practically every which way.
2/6/2020 12:34:47 am
True. She seems to be calling everyone else idiots, except maybe China.
Possum Poo
29/5/2020 02:35:02 pm
Nah......... any other country wouldnt have held its rescue services off, instead of leaving it to heroic locals to lead the way. Pike River would have hadMines Rescue straight in too, not waiting for the police todecide weather it was ok, with all their "expertise"
Lyndsay Veganforlife
29/5/2020 05:21:07 pm
Possum Poo exactly right ! It was not any of the emergency services who carried out the rescues straight after the eruption.
Dion Jennings
30/5/2020 05:45:26 am
Say what you will on Jacinda .....Simon Bridges if in power would have had us as another italy ...yes we are sheep these days and there is false and true information everywhere ...i have through a friend a direct link to mp privy glad you are alive ...for now...choose your idiots to run the country wisely ....
Purple Flower
30/5/2020 09:46:17 am
The implication that NZ was on the same trajectory as Italy - which Jacinda promoted to support her cause - is a glaring example of the way NZ'ers were unconscionably misled. NZ's situation could never have been comparable to Italy's for many obvious and common sense reasons. The charts in the NZ media were deliberately designed to mislead the public into believing that NZ was ahead of the game.
Purple Flower
30/5/2020 07:34:19 am
Thanks to Jacinda, the lamestream media of NZ is perpetrating lie and lie regarding NZ's place in the struggle against the covid-19.
31/5/2020 12:15:26 am
"The CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.”
Neil Struan Ferguson
31/5/2020 02:54:30 am
As a Licenced Firearms Owner I am by no means a Jacinda fan, and was doing something about the legislation, if she has pushed democracy into dictatorship over the Covid 19 legislation, I do believe that the legislated power was there and I'm glad that she used it. I also believe that where the power to enforce was lacking, parliament pushed it through. Trampling on rights in the case of firearms, trampling on people's rights in the case of Covid 19. Right or wrong, that's leadership and I will respect it until the threat has gone away.
1/6/2020 10:36:16 pm
oh yeah the mighty threat. As a registered Firearms owner you must have had a .17 calibre and thought it was scary
31/5/2020 05:09:29 pm
Don't worry the UN is giving us a global government out in the open now.
Doug Longmire
2/6/2020 03:33:52 pm
Looks long and boring to me Dave. I am guessing it is just Agenda 21 in new clothes.
31/5/2020 10:14:51 pm
So many grievances against the English language in the comments section
Anne Herrington
1/6/2020 02:34:33 am
Gosh between those calling her communist and those calling her hitler I’m getting a sore neck not knowing which way to look! Sounds like she’s all things to all people - cute.
Purple Flower
1/6/2020 04:08:12 am
Anne, if you don't know which way to look and you think that Jacinda is all things to all people, then you are completely missing the point of the article and the comments. You have not comprehended what the article and the comments are saying.
Doug Sainsbury
2/6/2020 12:00:33 pm
Can you please point me to your article that had this much outrage at John key after the Christchurch earthquakes? The law he rushed through allowed people to break into your home.
2/6/2020 11:39:05 pm
Thank goodness for you Olivia. Been feeling very lonely speaking out before lockdowns, mailing directly to Jacinda , all political parties and key commentators. Only Bernard Hickey bothered to reply with compliments on important points made.
Craig Hutchinson
29/7/2020 03:45:50 pm
A friend told me about this article after reading my "Open Letter to Simon Bridges". Our politics may be different but on this issue we are in agreement.
1/9/2020 07:18:03 pm
Olivia, why not contest an election, become a prime minister and then set the rules of the game as you please.
24/3/2021 02:36:23 pm
These New Laws are only active during the Pandemic arent they?
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