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“Down with Dobbs!” – Why the distress following the recent SCOTUS abortion ruling doesn’t add up20/10/2022 Written by Mariah Turnbull Vannoort Posted by Olivia The recent United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision to overthrow Roe v Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992) has again reignited the abortion debate. Many took to either the literal or proverbial streets preaching outrage and brandishing the standard placards. Before spontaneously combusting in indignation however, it is imperative to reflect on the decision in the appropriate Governmental system context. The United States’ Tripartite system splits governance into three distinct branches - the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The Supreme Court is the highest court under the latter arm and its primary purpose is to interpret laws and ascertain whether there is a 'Constitutional right' to something. Contrary to the universal media response, the recent SCOTUS decision was certainly not the implementation of a blanket abortion ban across the US. Instead, in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization 2022, the Court found no 'Constitutional right' to abortion and therefore delegated the decision back to the individual States where their elected representatives would have the power to determine their own State-wide laws on the issue. And thence came the cries of consternation... "A dark day for Democracy!" One of the downsides of democracy is, quelle horreur, that you might lose. The US' Tripartite system is structured precisely to dissolve power and make it near-impossible for anyone to make sweeping changes according to their own agenda. Cries that the Justices should have decided otherwise reveals that these ‘Elites’ believe the system should be kept only if the majority agree with them and be hastily discarded when they do not. It is down this 'Democracy if I win, Totalitarianism if I don't' path however that we travelled with the vaccine mandates. When it became clear that the 90% vaccinated goal could not be reached using ‘encouragement' alone, democracy was discarded in favour of authoritarian mandates. Consider what alternative is being proposed by those most outraged; a system where the Supreme Court veers away from their fundamental Judicial purpose, codifying un-Constitutional rights provided they align with the self-appointed, moral-Elite’s views – which must be entirely honourable because they come from deep within their gilded souls, a place impervious to evil? SCOTUS deciding that they do not have the power to legalise abortion on behalf of all US citizens given it isn't contained in the Constitution is the epitome of democracy - lest we forget that this is their primary, Judicial purpose. "My Body, My Choice!" Ah, the age-old fight for so-called bodily autonomy. The truth? - many of those calling for bodily autonomy do not actually believe in it. It is nothing but shameless hypocrisy to pretend to subscribe to the 'bodily autonomy' club after consenting to the vaccine mandate approach. In the words of American comedian Tyler Fischer, "I'd go to the My Body My Choice protest tonight but I'm not vaccinated so wouldn't be welcome there." “Reproductive Rights Equals Racial Justice!” Cue Lizzo, the American singer/rapper who describes herself as a “fat black woman in America" who pledged $500k from her upcoming tour to go to Planned Parenthood. Below is her reasoning.
Note the first astute comment above – “the irony lmao.”
Lizzo insists “by this ban" - which ‘ban?' Either she genuinely believes that the decision has resulted in a Nationwide abortion 'ban' or is intentionally using false, inflammatory speech to start a contagion of moral outrage. With an Instagram following of 13 million (many of which are young, devoted females) and the above post receiving over 1.1 million ‘likes,’ either option seems at best, deeply dangerous. We can assume that the fight to cancel 'misinformation' doesn't apply to this celestial beacon of the self-appointed righteous class. As for the alleged disproportionate lack of access for "black women and women of colour," we must turn to history. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was quite inconveniently for Lizzo, a Eugenicist. She believed in sterilisation of the 'unfit' and ‘undesirable,' including the Black community. Planned Parenthood was originally called 'the Negro Project' – see below in her own words (Sanger, 1939).
The argument that Black People have 'less access' to family planning resources? Black people are five times more likely to have an abortion than white women, abortion kills more Black lives than all other causes of Black deaths combined and 79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are strategically located within walking distance of African and/or Hispanic communities. And yet Lizzo, a Black woman, still wants to fight to keep her organisation alive? To quote the title of Lizzo’s hit song, the Truth Hurts.
"Abortion on demand and without apology!" President Clinton coined the term 'safe, legal and rare' which was accepted by much of his Democratic party in the 1990s. Now, the supposed 'pro-choice' movement considers any utterance of the requirement for 'rarity' blasphemous - abortion is a sacrament apparently, something to be immensely proud of. Pride, as Jordan Peterson so rightly pointed out, has joined its compatriots’ lust, gluttony and sloth, as once-cardinal sins that should now be celebrated. Undoubtedly the 'Abortion Pride' flag’s frenzied flapping will be emanating from a flagpole near you soon. So in short, the robe-laden chosen few decided that they should pass power on this deep issue back to the people's elected representatives to decide. They did so against all odds including the entire media and ‘Elite’ class being against them, an unprecedented document leak intended to dissuade them and a genuine assassination attempt on one justice’s life. We, the people should be positively delirious, engaged in fervent celebration that democracy won against these odds. Instead? Collective mourning. Those most-outraged would almost certainly fall apart (along with their purported morals) if asked even the most basic questions about the Dobbs decision. So which crime should they be charged with? Benevolent ignorance - having fallen prey to the talons of Lizzo-type propaganda? Or something more malicious - knowingly spreading false information to destroy the democratic institutions that stand between us and those ghastly authoritarian regimes. In the words of Justice Alito, "It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives." Amen. References Fischer, T. (2022, June 25). Twitter Lizzo. (2022, June 14). Instagram Lizzo. (2022, June 25). Instagram Protecting Black Life Organisation. (n.d.). Protecting Black Life Organisation Sanger, M. (1939, December 10). Smith College Libraries States, S. C. (2022, June 24)
Reality Check Radio: Six Hit Shows in One Week on the Assassination Attempt on Trump. NZ is Engaged!
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