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By Olivia Pierson The beautiful Somali born ex Muslim, ex right-wing-Dutch-politician-come-American, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is coming to speak to Australians and New Zealanders. Being a much ruder culture than we Kiwis, Ozzies have already started to protest Hirsi Ali’s arrival using Australian Muslim women academics, business owners (and of course Diversity Peddlers) as spokeswomen. They even have a little on-line petition. You can read it here. The message of this petition is laughable. Its dishonesty and hypocrisy are so palpably “on the page” I almost cringed on their behalf. The powerful Hirsi Ali is just so intellectually superior to these women that I don’t think she has anything much to worry about – except for the usual death threats, but then, as an ex Muslim female with a very persuasive voice, she’s used to those. The group claim that their disappointment in having Hirsi Ali come to speak in Australia is “reflective of the huge diversity of opinion amongst Australian Muslim women. Although we are not a homogenous group, we are united in our condemnation of Hirsi-Ali's discourse which is grounded in hate-mongering and bigotry.” The petition has 348 signatories so far - in a country of 23 million people where about half a million identify as Muslim, they can’t even rustle up 0.1% from their “huge diversity of opinion amongst Australian Muslim women.” Not that I'm complaining. Really Lovees, just go home and be quiet. Hirsi Ali is coming and she is going to blow your backward religion verbally to kingdom-not-coming-for-you. The most enjoyable part is that she will do this as she always does, eloquently, prettily, cleverly, without ever raising her beautiful, sonorous voice. She will crisply slice your 7th Century superstition to pieces – just as her Muslim family members once held her down and sliced off her genitals with scissors and no anaesthetic. Like all Muslim-flavoured protestors, this group are supremely anti the great Western value of free-speech - unheard of in their own (or their parents') countries of origin. This value is the only reason that these autocratic little Jezebels are allowed to speak. The petition states: “Hirsi-Ali’s sheer presence in Australia undermines both intra and inter-community efforts toward social cohesion and in providing platforms for Muslim women to champion their own causes.” Take a note of that (within all the intra, inter, social cohesion, platform weasel wordery) - they view Hirsi Ali's “sheer presence in Australia” as a threat. Never mind that we have to breathe the very same planetary air as the likes of these sneaky vixens, who want the benefits of our cultural gifts, like capitalism & freedom, yet seek to culturally destroy our values as they set about thriving off them. Not on my watch – nor Hirsi Ali’s obviously. And why do Muslim women need to champion their own causes in Western lands – the lands of freedom and tolerance? In this multicultural day and age, who stops them from doing anything they want to do? Nobody. Only their co-religionists would aggress them enough to warrant this nonsense about “championing their own causes.” They are pointing their irrelevant fingers at fake oppressors. It is either a twisted psychological projection inflicted via Stockholm Syndrome, or it’s a blatant deception. Either way, they are not telling the truth. Whenever Muslim activists start this kind of chatter the term 'Islamophobia' will always be bandied about. Frankly, an overwhelming proportion of Muslims are Infidelphobes and it's about time they are called on it. Hirsi Ali is a very high-profile victim of their Infidelphobia. The undersigned women of the petition have put their names to sloppy sentiments like this: “Hirsi-Ali stated recently, "Violence is inherent in Islam – it’s a destructive, nihilistic cult of death. It legitimates murder." This is just one example of the vitriol frequently espoused by this individual. Against a backdrop of increasing global Islamophobia, Hirsi-Ali's divisive rhetoric simply serves to increase hostility and hatred towards Muslims.” How many news items recently have you seen or read where Westerners are slaying Muslims as they innocently go about their daily business? About two in ten years – one in Norway, one in Canada. How many news items recently have you seen or read where Muslims are slaying Westerners as they innocently go about their daily business? What’s that? .. you’ve lost count? Exactly. Hapless harpies such as these women are trying to flip the facts because they know Hirsi Ali is right. They do lend their heartfelt endorsement to a violent, nihilistic, destructive, murderous cult of death and slavery. For those who like to buy the ludicrous idea that these evils have nothing to do with Islam, read the Koran and Hadiths (the biographies about Mohammad founding their religion), then read the history of the Ottomon Empire and the fall of Constantinople. Better yet, read the conquest of Hindu/Buddhist India by Islam - 400 years of genocide, rape and slavery - exactly what we have seen dished out by ISIS & Al Qaeda. This is not the religion being hijacked by a few bad eggs - there are over 200 official terror groups listed by that bastion of liberal weakness the United Nations (99% of them Islamic) - it is the religion itself as set forth by its prophet Mo. Behold what a brutal 7th Century religion looks like in the 21st Century when it has failed to undergo a Reformation encouraged by a Renaissance. Islamic violence and terror in Western Democracies has grown meteorically in the last 20 years precisely because Islamophobia is not in play. Political correctness has demanded that everybody fawn over this Iron Age theocracy pretending it’s “the religion of peace” – God! How’s that for trying to pull a fast one?! There’s more deceit going on here than a Hillary Clinton charity event – one asks how do these people get away with such boldface perfidy? These mendacious women end their petitioning words with “Australia deserves better than this.” Au contraire! Australia and New Zealand are damn lucky to be hosting a speaker as poignant on the world stage as Ayaan Hirsi Ali happens to be. She has fought tirelessly and bravely for years to expose the creeping evils which Islamic culture is importing into the West, via the multiculturalist zealots. For all the years since the murder of her friend and colleague, who was stabbed to death in a Dutch street, film maker Theo Van Gogh, she has lived under a fatwa - violent fundamentalists count it a duty to Allah to murder her, resulting in a full time security detail. Why don’t the westernised Muslima shriekers ever address this fact if their religion is so unimpeachably peaceful? To hear Ayaan Hirsi Ali speak, go here. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
26/3/2017 09:43:08 pm
I really admire this women. I guess the Muslima shriekers will startup here as her visit gets closer
"one asks how do these people get away with such boldface perfidy?"
28/3/2017 11:23:45 pm
Yes, the Age of Crap. Great Piece.
West Coast Feral
3/4/2017 01:10:21 pm
"Prominent Kiwis pen open letter saying free speech is under threat in NZ universities"
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