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New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science, a group of health professionals appalled at the censorship and coercion in response to the Covid-19 outbreak, invite healthcare workers and professionals to bear witness to the truth by telling their stories, confidentially, or on the record. Republished from NZDSOS. The Truth Project - An Opportunity for Health Care Workers NZDSOS has posted extensively on vaccine harms; now it's your turn. So far, we've lacked widespread confirmation from hospital staff and managers about our suspicions that the vaccines are harming individuals and placing the hospital system under enormous pressure. We've had a trickle of people telling us about the climate of fear and intimidation used to hide problems with the Pfizer jab, so now we want you, traumatised-but-brave health workers, to document formally what you have witnessed. If people feel they might be prepared to make a sworn statement for the inevitable future court cases, please indicate this in your story. Please note: When asking for this information, we are aware that there are people who seek to discredit us and who have posed as people they are not (e.g. journalists pretending to be patients). We are trusting that those who provide this information are genuine and seek to share what is being hidden. We cannot guarantee that there are not some with ulterior motives providing false information. As doctors, our default setting is trusting people. Click this link to tell your story. ---- The BFD ran this story today, written by a hospital pharmacy technician who answered the call from NZDSOS. We are living through the increasingly horrid spectacle of a gross perversion of medical science. We need our honest and decent healthcare workers & professionals, those who understand the human importance of medical ethics, both personal and professional, to stand up for the truth at this time. Mama said they’d be days like this.
28/7/2022 10:04:15 pm
Apart from some very very few, such as NZDSOS, particularly individuals like Matthew Shelton and Guy Hatchard, and the brave - as ludicrous as this is to have to say - doctor who over Alpha and Delta prescribed and supplied us with human Ivermectin, I''ve been appalled at how 99% of the medical profession, led by a gutless NZMA, simply buckled and dropped all ethics, from the importance of informed consent, to protecting the sacrosanct doctor patient relationship from any interference, especially government. I have no time left for that profession, or any of them including legal and accounting professions many firms of whom mandated their employees voluntarily before they had to. For myself the local accountants even covid passported regional meetings so I couldn't go, thus making the 'easy' continuing education points impossible: obviously over December I resigned from all my professional bodies, and right now we're looking to leave the country (after certain events and issues pass - mother in dementia care etc). I'm over it all. Albeit I don't take any satisfaction that those who have survived their toxic jabs so far, have now bought into a lifetime of health issues.
28/7/2022 10:59:22 pm
Steve Taylor
28/7/2022 11:18:32 pm
Thank you for publishing this Olivia. I'm one of the docs of NZDSOS though I'm well retired & pretty much out of the fray. To me it's unconscionable that my erstwhile profession has become such an antithesis of EVERYTHING that it's supposed to stand for. i.e. Integrity, care, compassion and, above all, first do no harm. The writing has been on the wall for the medical profession for the past 15-20 years because they've sold their souls to the dual devils of government & big pharma. The establishment, that is the Medical Council, the academic colleges (incl, esp, the GP college) & the political structure have driven an unassailable wedge between the two entities that really matter: the patient & the doctor. If there is any hope it will be when more health professionals respond to this initiative & begin to speak the truth. I can but hope ...
28/7/2022 11:43:29 pm
Mark Hubbard
29/7/2022 04:36:58 am
Well I don't do Facebook, but I'll share this Sunday once my one week Twitter ban is over for stating that there is a decades long health crisis for the vaxxed, and Bill Gates is wrong on everything to do with the Covid vaxxes :)
Steve Taylor
29/7/2022 01:10:36 pm
NZDSOS has been the subject of a continuous & relentless campaign by the MSM & government (undoubtedly working together) to discredit it, & paint its figureheads almost as 'enemies of the state'. It's hardly surprising that the silent majority is swayed by this, so they discount & ignore anything related to NZDSOS. Perhaps that explains the lack of 'sharing' of your piece?
29/7/2022 09:32:22 pm
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