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Reposted from NZDSOS website, edited by Olivia Pierson The following is taken from a comprehensive post by New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science and published in May of this year. Though not an easy read for obvious reasons, NZDSOS are not prepared to just let their fellow-citizens die under shady circumstances without so much as an honest appraisal of the cause of death. We’ve just had 2.5 years of ginned-up fear porn delivered courtesy of our governments and their corporate allies, most conspicuously the pharmaceutical giants, medical science professionals and the media. I thoroughly understand that people are fed-up with hearing unpleasant news, but now is not the time to conveniently look away from what has happened to many of our people. --- This is an open letter from NZDSOS on the Need to Investigate Deaths Following Vaccination (click link for full version). An unredacted version is being prepared for Police. UPDATE. Sent on 2nd June 2022. Deaths by Regulators: What More Can We Say and Do? Executive Summary: 1. There is a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines of itself, and compared to any other treatment or vaccine in modern times. We report many cases that DEMAND proper investigation, as befits any medication lacking safety studies. 2. Our surveillance systems have been disabled in order to hide the extent of harm. Adverse event reporting is NOT COMPULSORY, and this alone undermines any attempt to portray the injections as safe. CARM was never designed to early warn about experimental drugs rolled out to massive numbers. 3. Children and young people are dying and suffering particularly cardiac injuries (though many healthy elderly have died too), whilst their risk from covid-19 is particularly low. We believe we are being lied to. We present many cases halfway down this post. 4. We appeal AGAIN to the Police, headed by Andrew Coster, and our MPs, to intervene to protect the People. There is an evolving humanitarian crisis, and the government, Police, vaccine industry and most doctors are lost at sea. For God’s sake, people, let’s make our Police and MPs put a stop to this now! NZDSOS Deaths Demanding Investigation. Deaths extracted from the Citizen’s Database, which offers the following disclaimer: The information in the Citizens Database is a community effort intended to provide general information to the public about deaths temporally related to receipt of a Covid 19 vaccine in New Zealand. Many of the deaths were otherwise healthy young people with no comorbidities. The database does not and can not make the claim that these deaths are as a direct result of the vaccine, rather that they are temporally related to vaccination. Although care has been taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information, the authors make no warranty, express or implied, nor assurances for the accuracy, correctness, completeness or use of any information on the database. Given the sensitive and controversial nature of vaccines it may not have been possible for the authors to confirm the circumstances of death with an immediate family member of the deceased. Information is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the Citizens Database undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. The Citizens Database may be changed, deleted, added to or otherwise amended without notice. If you find any information on this database that you believe may be inaccurate please email [email protected]. Please note we have changed most names, and removed obvious identifiers, except in a few cases which have already been in the media. Dead people are not covered by privacy legislation, and we are not stating these people have died from the vaccine, just that their deaths are suspicious in the context of being in a huge clinical trial where arguably many have been coerced and most were misinformed. We are stating that all these deaths need a thorough investigation and detailed report, in line with prior norms. We are very respectful of the feelings of these peoples’ families and friends, some of whom may not know that these cases have been recorded in this way. A person in Tauranga submitted a fake story of a child’s death and then later declared himself, to try to discredit the database. He needn’t have worried, that very same week, a true and verified child death came in to replace his. We allege there are at least 5 other children whose details are too incomplete to declare properly, or the submitter insists on non-disclosure in return for the information. Eddie, age 13, Wellington. Died in his sleep, several nights after jabbed at event with some of his school buddies. Presumably he is the teen mentioned here by MOH. Joanna, 15 year old, Auckland. A friend’s mum reported the death. Joanna collapsed in her bathroom, her heart had stopped. She died on the way to the hospital, or whilst there. Timothy, 33, Paraparaumu. Died of heart attack at home 2 days after jab. Janice, 35, Taupare, healthy, found dead in bathroom approx 12 days after shot. Aneela, in 30s, died suddenly during childbirth in Auckland, a week prior had her jab. She was found to have blood clots. Her baby was delivered by caesarean and died at 4 days. Rory Nairn, 26, of Dunedin. Died of myocarditis on 17/11. The MOH have acknowledged this as one of 3 vaccine-related deaths up to this point. They implied he delayed seeking medical help. Piotr, 53, Auckland. Found dead by his mother sometime shortly after first dose. Unexplained. Tongan couple, South Auckland, BOTH died mid-March 2021, within 12 hours of each other. 5 children left who have been awarded compensation during teenage years. Names withheld. Lawyers confirm the case. Louis age 29, keen soccer player. Sudden chest pain then collapsed and died after practice. Healthy and energetic. Leaves a young family. Joins many dead athletes round the world. Harry, 76, died of heart attack on the day of 1st vaccine. Leaves wife and 4 children. Moana age 39. Died 4 days post jab in Whangarei in Sept 2021. Cause of death blood clot/brain aneurysm. Martin, 62, Auckland. Advised that coroner confirmed verbally was a post-vaccine death but refused to put in writing or report to CARM. Leaves a devastated family. Ruth, 57, Dunedin, teenagers found mum dead in bed 12 hours after first dose. Massive brain bleed. Simon, 59, heart attack in August ’21, sudden after first shot, no prior issues. Rugby mad. Phillip, 50s. Hamilton, died 25/8/21, 2 days after 1st jab. Body sent away for cremation, “hushed up” according to family. Ray, 52, Auckland. Died 26/5/21, post first vax. Well-controlled diabetic. Found slumped at computer, undrunk cup of tea next to him. Joe, 41, of Auckland. Found dead by police a week after his first dose. Very unexpected. Frith, 79, massive stroke 2 days after 2nd dose. Some chronic conditions but stable. Willy, 66, Auckland, died June 21. Healthy fit man, sudden death, heart attack 3 days after 2ndshot. Found on floor, died alone. Ashley, 70s, Auckland. Brain bleed 2 days after 2nd dose 14/8/21. Family dissuaded from PM. Violet, 72, Napier, died of brain bleed on 14/6/21. 2 days after 2nd jab. Vaccinator in family so CARM report not submitted. Martin, 65, Papakura, 5 days after 1st shot, died of multiple blood clots in brain . Fit outdoorsman. Jake, 51, died 30/12/21 at home post jab in Dunedin, neighbour had noted slurred speech ? Stroke. Curtis, 71, Wellsford, unexpected sudden death at home 3 days after jab. Mike, 47, Wanaka. Suddenly died at work, unknown cause, 3 days after 1st jab. Family said they have been gagged, but believe vaccine killed him. Matt, 59, Masterton, died whilst logging, one week after 1st or 2nd jab. Heart attack. Basil, 57, Queenstown truck driver, heart attack 5 days after his first vax too. Doctors denied autopsy request. Concern expressed that his vax death was covered up. Royce, 42, living in Melbourne, dropped dead out running 26 days after 2nd jab in August’21. Michaela, 22, living in France, sudden death 9 hours after 2nd jab. Uncertain if born in NZ. Ngaire, 64, Dannevirke. Died in hospital several weeks after 2nd shot, neurological symptoms. Previously well. Max, 49, Christchurch, sudden death at work May ’22 after 2nd jab. Keith, 68, Canterbury, fell off a ladder sometime after booster, but autopsy showed no injuries to explain his death. Perhaps cardiac arrest or stroke leading to the fall? Maureen, 61, Timaru in Feb ’22. Progressively unwell after each jab, had booster though extremely fearful, died 2 weeks following this. Some preconditions but obvious decline after 1st shot. Gregory 57, long term hospitalised, 7 days after 1st, sudden death. IHC patient, lacked capacity to consent. Horace, 91. Elderly but stable. Severe stroke within 24 hours of vax, died 4 days later in Rotorua hospital. Ivan, 75 of Turangi, in Jan ’22. Healthy man, collapsed and died in the bush after booster. Family calling for painstaking investigation. Merv, 50s, of Taranaki. Healthy but died in sleep sometime after 2nd shot. Well people dying unexpectedly in sleep is unusual but not the number in this list. Elizabeth, 65, a nurse, collapsed from blood clots only hours after first jab in April ’21. Allegedly a senior medical civil servant rang her workmates to say it was the flu jab. They knew otherwise. This might be fraud if so. Robynne, 57, of Foxton, suddenly died day following booster, unexpected. Karl, 63, Fielding, died 2 weeks after 2nd shot of heart attack. Maggie age 69, died July ’21, 6 weeks after 2nd jab. Had a common clotting disorder called factor V Leiden. Usually well. Had a heart attack and multiple partial strokes. Clinical trials did not include inherited blood disorders. Hohepa, age 67, Northland, ex NZDF, collapsed and died at work the day after 1st jab. Workmates forbidden to talk. His DHB did vaccination drive shortly following his death. Colleen, 61, counsellor. Admitted immediately after 2nd jab, feeling of dread. Healthy woman. Died of massive stroke (brain bleed or clot). Riki, 60s, Dargaville, died following his jab, the same day. In his wheelchair with a cup of tea. Medical centre alleged to have told family to keep quiet. Roger, 63, of Northland. Died 2 days after 2nd jab this January. Helena, also 63, of Remuera, died the night after her 2nd jab. Newspaper printed this then removed it. 9 day scene exam by Police but no charges laid. She managed rollout for a DHB. Katie age 13. Died October 2021 in the arms of a camp helper about a week following her first jab. Cause of death myocarditis, initially diagnosed and treated as asthma by GP. Allen Tardrew age 52. Bay of Islands. Especially poignant. Died 13 Dec 2021 First jab at pop up tent 1/11/21, noticed heart irregularity immediately, suffered severe heart attack about 4.5 wks later. 2 days in hospital where he told Dr his suspicions but Dr disagreed, was released & died 3 days later. He asked friend to make his case heard when he died! Susan age 41. Hokianga. Had first jab May 2021 and found dead in bed 4 days later. Cause of death 3 blood clots in L lung, blood clot in aorta. Coroner has just ruled “coincidental”. Robert age 21. Northland. Died Oct 2021 1-2 days after jab. Cause of death brain bleed and cardiac arrest. Fit and healthy active man. Paul age 52. Died Oct 2021 2 weeks after jab. Found dead in truck sleeper cab. Simon age in his 50s. Usually healthy. Died suddenly at work in October 2021, of heart failure shortly after vaccination. Details of dates not available. Aio age 16. Whangarei school girl. Died Dec 2021 2 weeks after jab from brain bleed and blood clots. Some hospital staff agreed privately that vaccine had killed her according to family members. Isabella Alexander age 17. Died Sept 2021. Cause of death multiple blood clots. Collapsed in father’s arms out running. Had felt unwell since a week after 1st jab. 3 days later PM told nation on TV that it was not the jab. Coroner still not reported as of writing, 9 months later. Grace age 23/24. Died Sept 2021. Cause of death blood clots. Had second jab 10 days prior, unwell after, small seizures, last seizure neck broke during and a friend found her purple on bathroom floor, dead. Hospital denying, saying “it couldn’t have been the vaccine”. Why on earth not? Karl age 33. Died 17 May 2021. Intellectual handicap, died in his sleep sometime after first jab. Annabelle age 38. Died two hours after 2nd jab in Sept 2021, was a care worker and no choice – doctors declared bad reaction to covid shot caused blood to clot. Allegedly, hospital agreed the jab killed her but asked family to sign a gag order. Vaj age 37, health care worker, cause of death massive brain bleed. Body shipped to India shortly after death. Had been vaccinated in order to travel to see girlfriend in Australia. Bryan age 57. Died suddenly Aug 2021 a few weeks after vaccine, clot in the brain. Well known in hospitality industry. Val age 44, shortly after her 2nd or booster shot. Went for drive with parents, suddenly felt unwell then died in the car. Maggie age 47, after death coroner said she should not have had the booster due to immune compromise. Was immediately ill following and declined over 2 weeks. Rawiri age 51, 2 days after 1st jab. Truckie, suddenly went pale immediately after injection. and later died. Sudden brain bleed, blamed on recent minor head bump. Joy 67, 5 days after 2nd jab, Pahiatua, where several other post vax deaths noted. Gladys age 66, Taupo. 1 month after 2nd jab, found dead 30 mins after went to fetch firewood. Police and a Dr attended, who said no to a post mortem. Valerie 31, Hamilton. Rest home nurse, sudden cardiac arrest 2 weeks after booster. Seamus, age 54. Sudden unexpected heart attack post jab, putting on 6th green. Married 27 years. Bev in her 60s, developed severe autoimmune condition after 2nd dose, admitted hospital and died after a month. Mark, age 52, sudden death in sleep following 2nd jab. Leaves 2 children and many sad colleagues at work. Jane 56, sudden death following 2nd vaccine, in Jan ’22. Admired elder care worker. Gavin, 30, of Napier. 3 weeks after 1st jab, sudden death at home, Police queried accident but was no evidence. Autopsy was inconclusive. Myocarditis can present as sudden cardiac arrest. Robbie, male age 17, Hawkes Bay. 2 days after 1st shot. Few details but strong confirmation on local FB group. Bonnie, 42 of Napier. Sudden unexpected death 2 months following 2nd vaccine. In-home carer, mandated vax. Cremated before autopsy could be done. 4 children. Roger, age 44. Body pains following 2nd jab. A month after his booster developed a rattly chest. GP said he was fine, he died 2 hours later. Family asked for autopsy. Byron of Mount Manganui, in his 40s, sudden heart attack days after his booster. Connie, 46, died 1 day after 1st shot, sudden and unexpected. Bruce, age 65, popular doctor. Died suddenly after likely booster December 2021. Alyss age 31. Allegedly coerced by GP, headache on day 1, had a brain bleed day 10 and died next day. Allen, age 70, retired medical specialist. Fatal myocarditis after 2nd shot. A hospital specialist agreed was the vaccine. Sean, age 26. Rugby player. Unwell since 1st jab but mandated 2nd. Died shortly after low-speed impact of work vehicle against a tree, possible brain or heart event. Found away from the car. Airbags not deployed. Media said suicide by MVA, but no history or corroboration from family, no autopsy or OSH investigation, both highly irregular. Paula, 62, of Rotorua. Very unwell after 1st jab, died the day after her 2nd jab. Blood clots in legs. Wallace, 50, sudden cardiac arrest a week after 1st jab. Work colleagues allegedly told “it COULDN’T be the jab” by the boss, who is not known to be a doctor. Anau, age 53, sudden heart attack day after 1st jab. Gentle Tongan man, leaves 2 kids and grandkids. Ruha, in 50s, of Tauranga, died suddenly day following 2nd jab in August ’21. Daniel, middle-aged man, port worker, reported by colleague as allegedly a ‘spate of deaths there’. Chest pains after 2nd jab, sent home from work, died hours later. Don, age 73, also of Tauranga port. Mandated vax to keep job, died suddenly 2 days after 1st jab, 16th March 2021. Alex, age 25. Mandated by Countdown supermarket, strong, a body builder, died in sleep shortly after 1st jab. John, 70s, radio presenter. Died before going on air. Colleague said he felt unwell, wanted a rest, put head on desk and just died. Some weeks after 2nd or booster jab, in April 22. Satya, in 40s, died in her sleep in Manurewa. Mandated masseur. Mother of 3. Ana, 43, also of Manurewa, and died 2 days later late march ’22, shortly after her booster. Heart attack during sleep. Lefty, 23, of Mt Wellington. Major seizures following 2nd jab, including a fatal one in his sleep in Feb ’22. Known occasional seizures but control worsened markedly after jabs began. Autopsy result cause of death simply “complications of epilepsy”. No epileptics were included in the Pfizer trials. Jack, in his 30s, of Auckland, died suddenly early ’22 after 2nd jab. Corey, 26, sudden death after 2nd jab, same week as Jack, both mandated by traffic management company. Tonya, in her 50s, fatal heart inflammation. Admitted Auckland hospital with breathing trouble 2 weeks following booster, fluid round heart (? pericarditis or heart failure), died after 2 days. Kath, 40s, shortly after booster. Registered nurse. Died suddenly Jan 22. Amanda, 46, call centre in Auckland. Went to hospital after jab, cardiac arrest x2, then discharged on blood thinners only to die at home on early Jan 22. Sitia, aged 30, father of two, week after 2nd jab sudden death. Family devastated. Adam, age 19, S. Auckland. 18 days after 1st vax, in November 2021. Jon, in 50s, double vaxxed and then got covid, died while isolating in Auckland. Family know but afraid of recriminations if complain. Post mortem research on covd-19 victims shows higher tissue levels of spike protein in the vaccinated, implying poorer immunity. This may be antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). Graham, 65, slim and fit, unexpected fatal heart attack, 2 weeks after 2nd jab. Friend reported death as all family very pro jab. Stephen, 62, of Red Beach. Had beaten cancer. Unexpected sudden heart attack 3 weeks after 2nd dose. 2 daughters. Elena, 64, health care worker. Fit healthy woman. Sudden heart attack 12 days after second shot. Sonny age 41, found dead a week after first dose in Auckland. ‘Suspected heart attack.’ Cathryn, 42, teacher in Palmerston North. Sudden death in sleep in March ’22. She was vaccinated at least 2 doses, part of the ongoing phase 3 clinical trial that all recipients are in, though most unaware. Cheryl, 40-something, of Masterton, sudden death in April ’22. Mandated jabs at workplace, and recent booster. Jason, early 20s, mandated to study, sudden death at Uni in March ‘2022. Leaves large number of siblings. Liam, age 17, in Dunedin, died after rapid onset rare autoimmune disease following vaccination, however death in hospital was unexpected. Mark, 47, Dunedin, unexpected suicide early 2022. Acute mental health symptoms must be investigated properly, some treatments can cause depression and suicidality. Brian, Nelson, 46, both jabs then sudden onset pancreatic cancer and rapid death. Around 21st Jan 2022. Cancer may have been present but dormant or slow growing. Needs investigating as the vaccine disables cancer protection genes and immune defences. Candy age 17, sudden illness and death ICU following first jab. Already disabled but developed severe seizures post jab. Esra, 55, Christchurch. Died March 2022. Back pain immediately following 1st jab August 2021. Relentlessly worsened, but disbelieved. Died in palliative care. Jason, 44, of Wellington died 24th Jan 2022 whilst moving furniture for shift. Brain bleed. Richard, aged 18, got a rare and rapid spinal tumour that spread fatally. Died January 2022. Gene injection known to disable cancer protection genes as above. Melvyn, 63 of Auckland, died after very rapid cancer illness, double vaxxed. Again, new and especially aggressive rapid cancers must be investigated for causation. James, age 70, Queenstown. Had his booster and dropped dead the next day. Healthy vegetarian. Peter age 55. Dunedin. Fit and healthy. Sudden massive blood clot from heart to brain in the week following 2nd jab. Life support turned off October ’21. Douggie age 58, transport worker from Dunedin. Died 10 days after 2nd jab, from “unexplained” multiple bleeds in October 2021. Grant, 62 of Queenstown, CEO, in April 2022, sometime following 2nd jab, sudden death out walking. Angela, 30s, barista, sudden death TWO DAYS after booster, April ’22. Left 2 children. Julio, age 19, Feb ’22. Known epilepsy but had a seizure and DIED 2 HOURS AFTER 2nd jab. Shouldn’t this be investigated? All medical conditions were excluded from clinical trials. Steffy, age 20, Dunedin. Disabling side effects, felt abandoned and ignored by hospital system, committed suicide. Past mental health history or not, this is another tragedy, potentially avoidable. Girelle, age 58, died of myocarditis, 5 days after the shot. On 15/9/21 Harry, 40s, Dunedin. Died suddenly hours after first jab. Sudden seizure/death whilst walking. Carlos, age 50, September ’21 at the beach whilst surfing. Medical event suspected, the day following his first jab. No co-morbidities. Dave, age 43, Timaru. Died suddenly at home following 2nd jab. Health and fitness professional. Stefan, age 54, Lyttleton, paralysed a few days after booster. Emergency operation to remove a clot in neck partially successful but re-clotted and declared brain dead in February 2022. James, age 63, Christchurch. Chest pain and breathless day after booster, day following that he died. 23rd December 2021. Family divided on cause so unlikely reported to CARM. Claire, 33, Christchurch, sudden post vaccine death just after Xmas day 2021. Shocking and sudden. Mandated by elder care company. Annabelle, age 51, at home in Christchurch, found dead in bed in October 2021 by partner. Had 2nd jab 2-3 days before. Clarice, 54, Rangiora, died 3 weeks after 2nd jab. Sudden. Leaves 6 children. William, 57, Timaru. Died from apparent heart attack 2 days after first shot. David, 46, teacher, died in Christchurch hospital, 2 days after 1st jab, massive heart attack. Bryce, age 58, Canterbury. 9 days after 1st jab, from heart attack. Symptoms started day 2, previously fit and well man. Bryn, age 65, Christchurch. Pilot, had a brain bleed one week following his first jab. Regular checkups, not known to have had an aneurysm, but had a bad 2 day headache 3 weeks prior so this was blamed. This might not be a vaccine injury, or it could be related. Only painstaking investigation can answer this. Clive, Christchurch, in his 70s but told by specialist the week prior he had many years left in him. First vax on 21/7/21, immediate headache, felt he would die, did do that night in hospital. Susanne, age 67. Breathing issues following first jab, collapsed in her bathroom, died a week later July ’21. Jane age 50. Broke ankle the week before her jab, so this blamed as she was in a cast. Died from a blood clot, presumably from her calf travelling to the heart or lungs. May '21. Worked at a Medical Centre. Jim of West Coast. Age 56. 3 days after booster he suddenly died Christmas 2021. Alistair, age 62, Westland dairy farmer. A large stroke (brain clot or bleed) 7 days after first jab. Life support turned off after 24 hours. Timothy, 60s, West Coast, died out walking on 28/6/21 just 3 HOURS after 1st jab from a heart attack. Was fit. Chris, age 37, kayaker and adventurer. “Heart attack” just hours after booster, January ’22. Kenneth, 64 of Motueka, on 27/5/21. Doctor had given clean bill of health to have the vaccine. Died 2 weeks after 2nd covid jab, became dizzy 3 days before death. Cardiac blood clot on autopsy. Harriet, 65 of Picton. Died suddenly from a stroke whilst teaching, just 2 days after her first jab. Mal, age 60. Fit rugby ref, got both vaccines to attend his gym. Sudden medical event on March ’22. Nigel, in his 40s, fully vaccinated when swam the Cook straight. Collapsed and died immediately afterwards. Bryan, age 45, Carterton. Bizarre work accident, pre-existing neurological issue but worsened markedly to alleged severe cognitive decline and fell out of a loader. Early 2022. Both jabs as was mandated. Did OSH thoroughly investigate the RMP and possible jab involvement? Nikau, 40s, Kapiti Coast, dad, entertainer. Sudden death Jan ’21 about 3 weeks after 2nd jab. Had just attended a tangi for another possible vax victim. Donna age 61, Hutt valley. Mandated by her employer, where she died suddenly serving a customer. She had visited hospital with heart symptoms after 2nd jab but was released. Deborah, worked with animals, suddenly November 2021. Complained of brain fog after 2nd jab. Suicide 1 month later. Brain damage/inflammation can cause depression. Hard to rule out on routine autopsy. Randy, 56, Paraparaumu. Collapsed at the mall day after 2nd jab, brain bleed. Leaves 3 girls. Kathy, age 53, Kapiti. Sudden large brain bleed, died after 2nd jab. Adored family woman. Morty, Karori, age 21. Sudden medical event at home after the first jab, details sparse though. Florence, 42, Wellington. Unexpected fatal brain blood clot sometime after 1st jab on 16/7/21. Health care worker. Hettie, age 50, Pahiatua. Unexpected death March 2022. Just had 2nd or booster. Had an inherited neuromuscular disorder that was not assessed in the brief Pfizer trial before roll-out. One of your authors has the same condition. Lousia, 67, Manawatu. Known heart issues prior but cardiologist assured would be safe and effective for her as she was scared to be jabbed. She collapsed the same morning and died in ED later that day. Anne, 42. Invercargill. Fit and healthy. Sat up in bed with a head rush then just died. 10 days after 2nd jab in February 2022. Autopsy showed no known cause. etc, etc, etc…. Thank you. If you made it this far in one sitting, you deserve a stiff drink. There are over 300 more cases like this, though predominantly featuring older people, including very obvious death clusters in some rest homes following vaccine campaigns e.g. Parkwood Lodge Care Centre in Waikanae, Summerset in Nelson, Rowena Jackson in Invercargill, and Beattie Home in Otorohanga, with some insiders alleging suppression of the epidemic of post-injection deaths. Medsafe managers, public health officials, politicians etc, all seem to have no clue that the deaths profiled here are not your everyday occurrences, but are a major ‘signal’ that is screaming blue murder. Some doctors immersed in their communities their whole lives do know something is wrong, and a few are shouting out. We are NOT crying wolf. We believe the actual toll is greater than the database contains. Based on multiple different methods, it appears that 1 death per 2300 doses is a rational and reasonable number, and could get us to 2021’s 2000 excess deaths. What sort of country are we living in, where these deceased human beings stepped up to do the right thing willingly, or were forced to, so they could feed their families? And now they are dead, and gone. These were our people. We are them, just luckier. Many of the injured now realise how close they might have come to death, in this lied-to lottery. And may the uninjured hope to stay that way. Just say no, and leave your abuser. To the NZ Police, who have the actual patient’s names, we say this: It is not enough to hide behind apparently controlled, failed or corrupted government institutions. You are here to defend the public good. Period. You are supposed to know wrong from right; lies from truth. You have ignored 3 open letters from our legal colleagues discussing vaccine harms, and alleging serious vaccine contamination. Evidence we have submitted that alleges the same and suggesting criminal dereliction by the Medsafe regulator has been denied by Police commanders, who say it does not reach a standard representing harm. How much worse should it get? Yes, it is all indeed “preposterous”. They shelter behind Medsafe’s responsibility to investigate but they refuse to act in the face of its inaction. As we have said before, your vaccinated staff belong to the wider citizenry receiving these contaminated products. We are alleging death by regulatory failure, as you know. You will see in the summarised death reports (representing a third of over 450 available) that there are some allegations of professionals and Police deviating from the usual processes that should follow a possible death from medical treatment. Of course, the unredacted list we give you is absolutely confidential except as needed for your formal investigations. If one human being can behave in a compromised way in organisations where control and intimidation come down from on high, it is very likely – inevitable even – that many others will too, thus enabling a system-wide collusion that may not be obvious to individual actors, who see themselves ‘just a cog in the wheel’. Some of these people do feel a personal or collective guilt, so then an instinct to press on, to keep quiet, enabled by their superiors and being in far too deep to pull back or speak out by this stage. We have spoken to a few workers who are convinced their lives would be at risk if they go public, even with whistleblower protection laws. A few claim they have precedents for these views, which is truly shocking for us to hear. May these people have a safe arena in which to tell their stories soon. Plenty of evidence has gone to file number 220215/0669. Here is some more. We allege fraud on the PCR test. This evidence is now a year old but Dr Jessica Rose, a statistician, has just used the Wayback machine to show real-time scrubbing of incriminating evidence of pre-planning. Here at home, through Official Information Act requests; by following the course of individual reports made to CARM; and by questioning individuals involved, we say there is enough deception, denial, obfuscation and opacity to suspect cover-ups of evidence of harms, even down to the deleting of injury reports made by patients directly to Medsafe and MoH itself. We know that the MoH pre-screens reports of injury and deletes some before sending the rest on to the Centre for Adverse Drug Monitoring (CARM), a private organisation headed by Professor Michael Tatley at Otago University. Both he and MoH each say the other has final responsibility for attribution of vaccine to the injury, but there are other individual players, committees and apparent ‘black box’ mechanisms to complicate things further. If you wanted, you could simply interrogate the government’s Covid Immunisation Register (CIR) and cross-check against the Register of Births and Deaths. Or we will do it if you can get us access to the raw data. But we see you are busy recruiting your new “Covid enforcers” to start 1st September. Wouldn’t it be better to train more detectives to investigate all these deaths, and find any criminals responsible? Or are they somehow protected? NZDSOS End
5/8/2022 09:45:24 pm
The combined flow of the 3Waters will not be enough to wash the blood from the hands of the guilty. The realization when the penny drops as it surely must have done by now, They the Guilty will be forever trying to wash their hands clean and getting nowhere. Go to hell, do not collect 200 and don't ever beg for forgiveness. Go mad for all eternity.
Geraldine duff
19/7/2024 07:04:18 pm
Are you financially squeezed?
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