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By Olivia Pierson
First published on Insight@theBFD 23/04/2020 In an article which one of my readers recently drew to my attention, Green MP Golriz Ghahraman wrote an essay titled Freedom of Speech and Its Limits where she makes the case for why more hate speech laws should be introduced in New Zealand. Because Ms. Ghahraman lays out the common arguments in favour of this cause as clearly as her abilities allow, it’s worth a read to see the one-track groove of thought those who advance this cause are stuck in. The obsession with minority groups is paramount: gender, sexual, ethnic, racial and religious (except for Christian). They view society through groupthink lenses to pass themselves off as the bold “defenders of minorities” in the eyes of other groupthinkers, which reminds me of a notable quote by philosopher/novelist Ayn Rand: “The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” Groupthinker Ghahraman uses the Christchurch massacre as the central example of just how damaging the individual right of free speech can be in her mind. This one-year-old New Zealand tragedy which, even as it took place in real time, many predicted instantly the degree to which it would be milked in the most opportunistic manner by our current government. Ghahraman did not disappoint on this score anymore than did Prime Minister Ardern. From the act of one single tragedy, long standing gun laws were swiftly turned on their head, free speech was put on notice by the Justice Minister and police have made a disturbing habit out of visiting the homes of social media users who express views which they find to be a bit objectionable (conservative). Legal gun owners with objectionable views were raided by armed police. And those are just the things we know about. In her 2,600 word essay about the limits of free-speech in NZ, it took Ghahraman only three paragraphs to get to the Christchurch terrorism incident: “Since the Christchurch terrorist attacks, many New Zealanders have started to wonder what sort of country they truly live in and to ask themselves some difficult questions. Are we, in fact, a country filled with equality, fairness and unity, or is there a problem with hate, violence and racism that needs work? Part of the challenge in coming to terms with the attacks will be to acknowledge that hate speech can lead to extremism and violence – that how we speak can have impacts in real life. This will in turn require us to define the right to freedom of speech and where its protections and limitations lie in a truly free and equal society.” But groupthinker Ghahraman was wrong about New Zealanders. The massacre did not make them start to wonder what sort of country they truly lived in, since the terrorist was an interloper from Australia. What they did wonder was just how a troubled young non-NZ citizen such as Tarrant got to spend an hour in the company of police for his gun license interview without giving off a single clue or cause for suspicion of what he was in fact; a cold-blooded killer with a malicious plot fomenting in his mind. This momentary police inattentiveness explains why they are now cracking down so hard on gun owners and social media users with anti-Islam views, not because these citizens are any kind of imminent threat to other New Zealanders, but because this time the police royally screwed up – and maybe Tarrant was uncommonly gifted in the art of stealthy deceit. Ghahraman writes: “It is increasingly clear, following the Christchurch mosque attacks, that unregulated online platforms are hosting dangerous white supremacist content. Online hate is causing real world violence and our laws don’t have the tools to respond effectively.” Through the paragraphs of her essay, one can almost feel the gleeful frisson which Ghahraman must’ve felt as news came through on March 15th 2019 that the terrorist was a white male with a gun club membership, plus an online manifesto. She then goes further down this conspiratorial road of white supremacists lurking under every rock by citing a shooting during Passover, April 2019, in Poway, Las Vegas, killing 1 person and injuring 3, and a shooting in El Paso, Texas, on August 3rd 2019, killing 22 people and injuring 24; both murderers claimed they had been inspired by the anti-immigrant rhetoric of Tarrant’s manifesto, which is banned in New Zealand only. I have no doubt that these sub-human killers may have been inspired by Tarrant, but alarmingly, Ghahraman commits an unforgivable blank-out by ignoring the 259 people killed and the 500 others injured in the massive Easter Sunday massacre in Sri Lanka on April 21st 2019, just one month after the Christchurch tragedy and within the same week of the Passover shooting Ghahraman cites in her essay. Why did Ghahraman blank-out this massacre of massacres, which the Islamic State quickly took responsibility for? The answer lies in the fact that, most awkwardly for our government, this massacre was yet another incident of Islamic jihad committed against Christians – and both Ghahraman and Prime Minister Ardern were neck-deep in loudly pushing the “They Are Us” empathy-with-Muslims campaign, all the while encouraging New Zealand women to cover their heads with hijabs in solidarity with the adherents of a particularly violent and female-oppressing ideology. Which brings me to another unconscionable omission in Ghahraman’s essay about hate speech. The brutality and violence of Islam is prescribed in a well known ancient manifesto bursting with hate speech, i.e., actual incitements to violence – that is the Koran itself. This 7th-century manifesto openly calls for the murder of non-Muslims (infidels) and has not been banned in New Zealand. Neither is there a ban in New Zealand on the fifteen issues of the Islamic State’s official recruitment tool, Dabiq magazine, an impeccably edited, glossily photographed, online publication still used to inspire young jihadis around the world to commit acts of terror wherever they are – and they do, as they did in Sri Lanka in the Easter Sunday massacre. Dabiq is currently available for free download in New Zealand – heck, you don’t even have to download it to view it. But nary a word is ever spoken or written by the Iranian-born Ghahraman on this Islamic evil – she is solely focused on shutting down the free speech of the group called “white supremacists” – which has become a leftist euphemism for Christians or conservative-minded folks who seek to uphold traditional Western values, gifted to us by our magnificent colonial ancestors. Ghahraman begins winding up her essay with these words: “Everyone, every person of every race, gender and religion, has a huge interest in ensuring harmful and abusive content is appropriately regulated.” Okey-dokey Wokey. Regulations be damned. All Jews outside of Germany still have to live with Mein Kampf being sold in bookstores and made freely available in libraries, and I don’t hear them constantly lamenting the fact – and they practically invented evocative Lamentations. What is of huge interest to most of us, is to see our individual freedoms and equality before the law be kept intact as our forefathers intended, not be overridden by the woke groupthink of Ghahraman and her uncomely clan of ahistoric diversity worriers. They are the most toxic pedlars of harmful, abusive content into New Zealand’s cultural and political landscapes, and their shameless use of the Christchurch massacre to try to squelch our individual rights is well and truly obvious. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
Purple Flower
29/4/2020 04:48:13 pm
As an aside to the main topic under discussion (which I will get to in due course), I take exception to the constant, tired refrain sung by NZ that "the terrorist was an interloper from Australia."
29/4/2020 05:45:28 pm
Doug Longmire
29/4/2020 09:56:10 pm
Agree 100% Olivia.
Purple Flower
30/4/2020 02:57:28 pm
OK, Olivia and Doug, point taken. If NZ regarded the Mosque attacks as an outside terrorist attack - similar to the 9/11 attacks on the USA - then the resulting clampdown on NZ's rights and freedoms is all the more egregious.
2/5/2020 04:26:41 am
No New Zealand does not own it, the unelected government should own it alongside the police who allowed it by handing Tarrant a firearms license without an interview and assessment and against warnings from gun club members.
5/5/2020 02:31:42 am
Absolutely agree. The 'government' quick to lay the blame on 'white supremacy' and jump at the chance to limit our rights yet shit doesnt seem to travel uphill insofar as 'How did Tarrant get his gun licence'. surely the buck stops with police hierarchy 29/4/2020 04:53:44 pm
Another great article that needs to be shared.
2/5/2020 09:17:31 pm
Totally agree. Dangerous, manipulative Government, not for the good of NZ.
29/4/2020 05:12:04 pm
I tried to buy your book. I have found the Amazon site impossible.
29/4/2020 07:16:28 pm
Hi Stephen - the Book Depository is the easiest way to buy my book:
29/4/2020 05:30:44 pm
Thank you Olivia for a very well written article, exposing the hugely imbalanced opinions of the anti Christian Left. As you point out, great emphasis is given to the occasional attack by what is called "white supremists". But completely no recognition of the many thousands of attacks and slaughter carried out by Islamist extremists:- 46 attacks, killing 218 innocent people between April 18th to 26th.
Chuck Bird
29/4/2020 07:30:58 pm
Doug, I read the manifesto before it was banned. It would appear the killer was green eco facist.
Doug Longmire
29/4/2020 09:59:13 pm
Yes - I saw that too Chuck.
Purple Flower
30/4/2020 08:03:49 pm
We should all have had the opportunity to read the manifesto so that we can draw our own conclusions and think for ourselves. From what I have heard about the manifesto, it sounds to me that Tarrant was a mentally disturbed individual with a variety of rambling objectives (like gun-control, immigration, anti-Islam, environment) rather than predominantly a white supremacist. Perhaps he belongs in a mental hospital, not in solitary confinement for life to appease the Muslims. The government dictates what we must think is the right decision.
John Hurley
29/4/2020 06:08:12 pm
After the massacre Research NZ did a survey for RNZ which (obliquely) asked "How do NZrs feel about diversity". The representative explained the results as "I think they tell us that we are 50:50 on diversity". Asia NZ found 41% think immigration form Asia will have a "positive impact". Those with "most knowledge" were "most positive".
29/4/2020 09:26:25 pm
I was extremely disappointed when Tarrant pled guilty to his crimes thus avoiding a proper trial where the shortcomings of the police under commissioner Mike Bush could have had some sunlight shed
Doug Longmire
29/4/2020 10:02:10 pm
This is the same Police Farce that put Arthur Alan Thomas in jail twice, using planted evidence. The same Police commissioner who would not take any action against illegal vigilantes running roadblocks
Rowena Haldane
29/4/2020 09:42:43 pm
Who is Ghahraman's minder?
29/4/2020 10:42:36 pm
Who is Ghahraman?
30/4/2020 04:55:19 am
Unfortunately Olivia, we are a nation who sit in their lounges and moan to our family and friends. We do not protest loud and clear about the biased media who at the moment afore Princess Jacinda and the rest of the children running this Country. Even in Parliament The worst speaker we have ever had ( Trevor Mallard) will not allow many questions put to Jacinda to be acceptable. His bias and pathetic protection of her is embarrassing. I used to love the dynamics of politics, but no more. By the way what has happened to G G’s overstayer from Manus. Has he gone back or is he living with her??.
30/4/2020 09:50:58 pm
1984 and Animal farm used to be reading subjects at secondary school in 1989 here. Not anymore from inquiry.
30/4/2020 01:09:11 am
Nga mihi nui for an articulate synopsis of the cult of Okey-Dokey Wokey in Aotearoa. Kia manawanui Wahine Toa
30/4/2020 01:28:10 am
Purple Flower
30/4/2020 08:10:05 am
The loss of freedom of thought and freedom of speech had been creeping into NZ long before the mosque attacks by Tarrant in March of 2019.
30/4/2020 06:30:13 pm
Purple Flower
1/5/2020 11:46:32 am
NZ has had only one real terrorist-type attack (forget the Rainbow Warrior, it is ancient history). It was an isolated, one-of-a kind incident that was not “made in NZ.” But it played right into Jacinda’s ambitions of leading the world: The terrorist was white and he used an assault rifle.
Doug Longmire
1/5/2020 03:28:51 pm
And do keep in mind that Ardern was leader of the world junior socialist party. Since taking office she has stated that "capitalism is failed experiment".
Ishmael Warner
1/5/2020 05:29:25 pm
All whites cannot be smeared for the wrongful actions of one white male, just as all Muslims cannot be smeared for the wrongful actions of fellow-Muslims.
Ishamael Warner
1/5/2020 05:35:20 pm
Koran 4: 95 excuses Muslims whose circumstances (age, gender, infirmity) mean they can’t actively engage in Jihad, though they still have a duty to fund it. Jihadists, however, are accorded the greater status: “Allah has granted a rank higher to those who strive hard, fighting Jihad with their wealth and bodies to those who sit (at home). Unto each has Allah promised good, but He prefers Jihadists who strive hard and fight above those who sit home. He has distinguished his fighters with a huge reward.”
John Hurley
1/5/2020 05:58:52 pm
Was just reading Huntington's Hypothesis on Wikipedia. On the left they have a thing about it and Edward Said (one of the founders of post colonialism) blames him of (essentially) ethnocentrism (pot calling kettle). This article explains what is going on well. The UN has a division set up to argue against specifically against Huntington's Hypothesis. Our media are also prepared to lie (in a good cause)
Doug Longmire
2/5/2020 02:50:16 pm
This website should be compulsory viewing for all politicians:-
Graham Hill
9/5/2020 09:20:36 pm
In terms of the article cited by Golriz Ghahraman (1) it shroud be noted that NZ is a signatory to the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966 BUT NZ has not signed up to its optional protocol. It is a particular area the present HRC Commissioner has had interest in (2) Ms Ghahraman is one who is now in power to whom people are now speaking to; (3) If one wants to test human rights law in NZ mental health discrimination is a good place to start. Peterson et al have written that mental health suffers are liable to be discriminated against in every aspect of their lives: housing, work. medical care, family isolation. Some discrimination and harm does not excite any interest at all. The HRC and the MoJ are inept on it; (4) the focus on minority rights forgets that the rest- and the majority- have rights too but it may depend on your identity if you can have them. Being male, pale and stale means NO RIGHTS. They are human rights and universal,
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