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By Olivia Pierson [First published on Incite 31/1/19] When one considers every indicator of the freedoms that are hallmarks of Western civilisation, anyone with a perceptive mind cannot fail to notice that leftists have not only betrayed the great legacy of the West, they are aggressively doing their best to completely ruin it for the rest of us and our progeny. When leftists use the term ‘equality’ they do not mean it in the Jeffersonian sense: All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. No, when leftists refer to ‘equality’ they mean homogenised uniformity in keeping with the Marxist principle of the classless society; a society where no man or woman can ever be exceptional. Soviet Russia achieved this outward appearance of homogenised uniformity, if one is able to blank out for a moment the death camps, the gulags and the brutal secret-police executions. This brings to mind the passing mention that Ayn Rand once made of the first female Harvard professor, Dr Alice Hamilton, who went to Moscow in the 1920s to study hygiene and disease. From there she wrote to her parents about how good it was to see people... "equally plain and shabby, never a flapper or a woman with made-up face… no rich people and few absolutely poverty-stricken." (Dr. Hamilton also must have managed to blank out the Povolzhye famine of 1921-22 which killed over 5 million Russians in one year – but, as with their shabbiness, at least they were equally starving.) Right at this very pivotal moment as we are watching socialist Venezuela descend into the inhumane consequences of leftist ideology: - Starving people forced to feed their families from trash cans. - No medicine - Ubiquitous unemployment - High infant mortality - Millions of illegal guns (because the purchase of firearms has been legally proscribed) - Shocking crimes related to drug cartels - A corrupt police force - A highly politicised and corrupt legal system - A mass exodus from the country ...yet the leftist line-up of Democratic candidates for America’s 2020 election are meantime busying themselves to push for an amalgam of keynote socialist/communist policies, all of which totally rely on the heavy-handed redistribution of wealth and the absence of objective thought: - Free health-care for all (and the abolition of private health insurance) - Free college tuition - Strict regulations on businesses (for the so-called purpose of arresting climate change) - Stringent gun laws - Universal basic income from age 18 onward - Diversity twaddle in the form of offical legislation (transgender bathrooms, personal pronouns etc) - Open border policies - Abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agencies (ICE) In the near future, if one of these potential candidates found themselves in the office of president and implemented this horrid blend of ideas, America would soon follow the example of Venezuela, only the collapse would be far worse and consciously chosen. Under President Obama – the great leftist messiah – America’s Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies were corrupted by those who believe that the politicisation of the legal system is a fitting strategy to attempt to topple the commander in chief, simply because they find him unpalatable. They have been working toward this end without a moment’s moral consideration for the 63 million of their fellow citizens who democratically voted for this president. Prime examples of these traitors are: James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Robert Mueller, Andrew Wiseman, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, John Podesta, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and, of course, Hillary Clinton. During their time in power, these bad actors have already brought US politics closer to something resembling Venezuela’s corrupted system than that of the America we have known and loved. They are the treacherous enemies within and they damn-well flaunt it; hence Hillary Clinton’s statement: “I am now part of the resistance.” These leftist overlords are not “the resistance” – that’s a term they have appropriated from their betters as if they are fighting for something noble and free. They are the undemocratic, grey authoritarian establishment; the enemies of free thought, free speech, free lives, free markets and free democracies. They are the same leftists that have always stood for state absolutism and who embed their controlling tentacles into every institution, business, school, university, government department, social programme, media group and organisation in order to force mindless, dull conformity (they have to use force because they fail at persuasion). If there is one thing these leftists – militantly hostile to differences of opinion, especially intellectual diversity – cannot abide, it is a free-thinking, powerful individual. This explains their cell-deep hatred of President Trump. They know full well he is not anything close to being a racist, but they use the term consistently. They know it sticks and many, many dumb people will believe it and cast their votes for them instead. If the left truly stood for liberal freedoms, where are they on the Western value of the emancipation of women and children? Through pushing tired, washed-out feminist narratives for over 50 years, the left have unstintingly made Western women feel inadequate if their most important goal was to raise a family. “You need a career to make you feel whole,” they told us, along with “bearing a man’s children and staying home to raise them while he goes out and builds a career is subjugation to an oppressive patriarchy.” The left have sadly indoctrinated women into thinking that it is weakness to want to please a man. They simultaneously protect the most misogynistic men on earth by excusing the cultural practices of Muslim minorities: practices which require women to cover themselves in black sacks, have their genitals mutilated and have no independence whatsoever outside their husbands’ permission. The left don’t consider this to be subjugation to an oppressive patriarchy (or if they do, they are oddly non-vocal about it). Instead they call it multiculturalism. If the left truly stood for liberal freedoms, where are they on the Western value of freedom of speech? The left zealously shut down criticism of their ideas by claiming that everything they disagree with is ‘hate speech,’ or ‘bullying,’ or ‘white supremacy,’ or ‘passive violence,’ or ‘a micro-aggression.’ When was the last time a university descended into violence because conservative and libertarian students protested, screeching like zoo animals instead of allowing a left-wing speaker to make their address? That. Never. Happens. The only people who shut down free speech and diversity of opinion are those on the left. If the left truly stood for liberal freedoms, where are they on the Western value of religious tolerance? In America, thanks to Obamacare, the left are busy forcing business owners to pay for the personal contraception of their employees, even if it may be against owners' religious principles. The whole leftist media very busily piled onto one well-known case in Colorado in order to shut down a business whose owner, on religious grounds, took issue with baking a gay couple their wedding cake – as if the gay couple couldn’t find a hundred other businesses within a ten mile radius who would have happily complied with their queenly demands. After a court case, in which the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ordered the shop owner to undergo ‘anti-discrimination training’ (shudder!), the case was taken to the Supreme Court, which rightly concluded that the CCRC had failed to show tolerance for the shop owner’s religious beliefs under the First Amendment – the right to freedom of expression. Incredulously, leftists are also very busy extolling the virtues of the most savage religion in the world - Islam - which is so deeply hostile to homosexuality that the death penalty for it is still widely practiced in Islamic cultures. As it protects Islam, the left obsessively condemns the intolerance of the utterly defanged religion of Christianity, the foundational heritage of the civilised freedoms the left are now vehemently at war against. If the left truly stood for liberal freedoms, where are they on the Western tradition of our commitment to scientific enquiry? The left are altogether obsessive about two scientific topics: Climate Change and String Theory. The first is less of a science and more a political agenda (the giveaway is the fact that every sceptic has been purged from any public position of influence); the second is such a nebulous theory, without viable means of falsification or any confirming evidence, that it can only be posited as something intended by the left, who have controlled academia since the mid-20th Century, to distract young people in universities from serious thought. Outside of the weather and wormholes, there is a stark lack of curiosity on the left about the sound biological evidence compiled relating to IQ and gender differences. The left has been so vocal about IQ and gender differences having their bases only in ‘white supremacist constructs and narratives,’ that since the human genome was mapped the science of biology is another subject they don’t want to discuss, or want others to discuss. IQ has been proven to be related to at least 50% of the complex sequences of our inheritable genetic traits, with strong patterns running through different groups of the human race, but the left do not want this science debated; they want it ignored. If the left truly stood for liberal freedoms, where are they on the Western value of our traditional commitment to capitalism? The left are busy advocating for the socialist ideas of ‘free everything’ including free income which the middle class and wealthy will have to pay for. In other words, the competent must pay for those who are less competent and the motivated must pay for those who are loafing. They call this equality but it is nothing less than the exploitation of the productive in order to further push society toward homogenised uniformity. As Larry Elder once put it, the left “believe that there is a free lunch and that capitalists are stopping them from eating it.” There is absolutely no happiness, no liberty and no human decency going down the road of socialism and no better current example exists than that of an impoverished Venezuela collapsing into tragedy before our very eyes. That the left are observing this collapse at the same time as espousing socialist policies for America makes them nothing less than a virulent enemy of the free world. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
It’s only fair to share! :-)
Doug Longmire
11/2/2019 08:39:20 pm
Wow !!!
17/2/2019 05:47:08 pm
Appreciate your comment Doug.
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