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Emails republished with permission.
These four emails were sent to the following NZ news outlets, with not a single response forthcoming: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Email 1: July 19th, 2021 To whom it may concern, I happened upon the lecture below after a visit to the VAERS website in the US. My mother is due for her Covid vaccine and I thought a little informed consent would not go amiss. Having noticed that in the US the reporting on the above website indicates over 11,000 deaths and 400,000 adverse events [at the time of writing this] caused by the Covid vaccine, I dug a little deeper. As a result of my searches I uncovered this lecture: I don't wish to lecture anyone so I am respectfully requesting that someone in your newsroom view this information. I am neither a conspiracy theorist nor a tin foil hat wearing loon, so compelling was this exposition on the history of COVID-19 and the development of the vaccine that I watched the whole 4 hours in a single sitting. I have never been so disturbed by anything in my 60 years of life. I can't even be certain that I believed what I was hearing, but I am compelled by conscience to forward to you this information in the hope that someone better equipped than myself can research these claims. I have only one expectation, that someone come back to me to allay my fears as I did not sleep well last night and will not sleep well until someone comes back to me and refutes in an intelligent and articulate manner the claims contained in the above link. I respectfully await your response. Regards, Eddie Paunovic --- Email 2: July 22, 2021 To whom it may concern, Curiosity, it seems is not an attribute of our media. I wonder if this has anything to do with our government's subsidies to our media organisations. When the rest of us are having to maintain our livelihoods under the onslaught of Lockdowns and a regulatory environment Stalin would be proud of, YOU the media are silent! While hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders line up to receive a jab of god knows what, terrified into submission and compliance by demagoguery, YOU the media are silent. New Zealanders, good people, lining up to receive an experimental gene therapy without any informed consent. What are the medium and long term consequences of receiving this jab? How does it work? Does the Emergency Use order protect Governments and Big Pharma from prosecution given the magnitude of their CRIMES? Why are so many dying or having serious reactions to this treatment? Why in Israel and the UK are 88% and 60% of new COVID-19 cases double jabbed victims? Why is there so much advertising on the radio exhorting New Zealanders blindly to the jab? Soft, caring, feminine voices coercing our young and old to protect themselves against a scourge so virulent and dangerous that 99.7% of people under 75 years of age survive? WHY ARE YOU SILENT? Eddie Paunovic --- Email 3: August 3rd, 2021 To Whom it May Concern, Please review the information contained in the link below [the Centre for Research on Globalisation website] Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming Eddie Paunovic --- Email 4: August 27th, 2021 To Whom it May Concern, Israel has the largest number of COVID-19 cases per million population of any country in the world. Israel is also the most vaccinated county on the planet. How can this be? Our media organisations, rather than acting as a bull horn, parroting the dictates of our messianic leader and the shrieks of the blue-and-pink-haired ghouls of woke culture, ought to be challenging and applying journalistic rigour to the tyrannical actions of this dictatorship. The powerful coercions emanating from the ministry of truth to vaccinate at all costs supported by our criminally negligent media will see a high percentage of trusting NZers from the age of 12 up, injected with an active biological agent, with no clinical understanding of the consequences. The suppression of well known and proven nutritional and pharmaceutical therapies by our government, media and social media corporations is a crime that will not be forgotten. I recently visited my doctor, having read many clinical studies on proven prophylactics in the treatment of Covid 19, only to be told that he was under an order from the government not to supply these cheap and effective options. The censorship of dissenting opinions and debate from professionals in the fields of immunology, epidemiology and medicine is anathema to the concept of informed consent. How is it that the most vaccinated countries in the world have the worst contagion, the highest rates of hospitalisations and will soon have countless deaths? All of these double vaccinated people!! What is the cause of the moral and intellectual atrophy of our political institutions and the blind ineffectual compliance of our media organisations? There is overwhelming proof that the vaccines have caused harm to millions and in thousands of instances death. Now it is becoming clear to anyone that cares to look that these biological agents increase the amount of contagion in the nasal cavity and render the vaccinated individual a super-spreader. This is why heavy vaccination regimes are followed by massive surges of Delta infection, one is predicated of the other. [*]Attached is a preliminary study produced by Oxford University and published in Lancet magazine. I'm sure I will not receive a response nor do I expect that anyone in our media has the spleen, nor the concentration, to assimilate such a study. Know this, the sins of omission on the part of our media institutions, even if in the service of a noble lie, will forever be a stain on our national character. Regards, Eddie Paunovic * [Findings: Between 11th–25th June 2021 (week 7–8 after dose 2), 69 healthcare workers were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the clinical study. 49 were (pre)symptomatic with one requiring oxygen supplementation. All recovered uneventfully. 23 complete-genome sequences were obtained. They all belonged to the Delta variant, and were phylogenetically distinct from the contemporary Delta variant sequences obtained from community transmission cases, suggestive of ongoing transmission between the workers. Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. Time from diagnosis to PCR negative was 8–33 days (median: 21). Neutralizing antibody levels after vaccination and at diagnosis of the cases were lower than those in the matched uninfected controls. There was no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and viral loads or the development of symptoms. Interpretation: Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people. Physical distancing measures remain critical to reduce SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant transmission.] --- The incurious groupthink and one-sided push by NZ’s media to see our whole population injected with experimental vaccines, regardless of other scientific views expressed and studied during this time, is utterly unconscionable and makes them complicit in the results of this unethically hysterical over-reaction.
29/8/2021 02:31:00 am
Wow - I am speechless! Eddie’s emails are so well written, informative, non-confrontational. How can the recipients not respond, it shows what cowards they ALL are. God bless you Eddie
1/9/2021 09:23:03 pm
Hi Olivia,
3/9/2021 07:30:28 pm
Purple Flower
3/9/2021 11:11:55 am
The first "To Whom It May Concern" letter starts out with a misstatement of fact. The VAERS report does not indicate over 11K deaths and 400K adverse events caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.
3/9/2021 09:13:16 pm
Purple Flower,
Purple Flower
4/9/2021 10:16:01 am
Be that as it may, Olivia, the emails are emotional and confrontational, and give the impression that the writer is ill-informed. My response was based upon the impression the emails convey. They do not invite serious consideration as they are wishy-washy with the facts and the underlying objectives of the emails.
Eddie Paunovic
3/9/2021 09:19:43 pm
Purple flower,
Purple Flower
3/9/2021 06:36:58 pm
The fourth "To Whom It May Concern" letter appears to contain more misstatement of facts. Israel does not have the largest number of Covid-19 cases per million population of any country in the world. Israel comes in at 17th. The number of cases is partly a function of the volume of testing, so it is not necessarily meaningful to compare the number of cases in one country to the number of cases in another country anyway. Different circumstances and conditions also explain differences in the number of cases among countries.
Pauline Hubbard
3/9/2021 10:12:44 pm
Purple Flower,
mark hampson
25/10/2021 09:48:57 pm
gidday flower, suggest you follow dr zelenko who knows his onions from his turnips, & prof montagnier who is taking the israeli hierarchy & pfizer to court for crimes against humanity. with 2 nobel prizes in the bag hes a tad better informed than ardern
4/9/2021 04:59:11 pm
8/9/2021 03:02:27 am
The lack of response is due to the concentration of power. The message is vanilla and bland. Comes from the board rooms of a few very powerful frightened rich people. Look into Vanguard, Blackrock, Google, Apple, Facebook, Pfizer. We have always lived under an oligarchy or a plutarchy, only now the power of the plutarch's is at its zenith. National governments are subservient. Media is subservient. All whom chase money, through debt, even the banks themselves are subservient. You cannot serve money. Only God.
10/9/2021 11:57:35 am
After reading an article by this "reporter (Propagandist)" I sent her an email. In it I said I was a border worker and would be taking these experimental Gene Therapy shot under any circumstances. I got a response asking me why I though the VAX was Gene Therapy. I sent a response... I have NO REPLY..... Crickets! They are knowingly hiding this info from the public:
mark hampson
25/10/2021 09:50:04 pm
NZMedia is owned by Discovery Inc which is controlled by vanguard & blackrock which also own the alphabet group which own googl which own faceblock instaglam... & major shares in pfizer moderna astrazeneca j&j... So no surprise. Ignore their narrative- it is all fraud- government lackeys are ‘manipulating’ data right off the charts, jabbed deaths are called ‘covid.’
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