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By Citizen X To Whom it may concern, The coward dies a thousand deaths! Our accredited media has for the duration of this "pandemuc" remained confident in its assertions that the covid vaccine is safe and effective. Those of us that have chosen to seek information from sources other than our single Source of Truth have found ourselves anathematised, marginalized, censored, suffered loss of employment and the loss of fundamental liberty when looking to debate, share or exercise individual autonomy. When government directs 100 million dollars to uphold the livelihoods of employees in our media institutions, there ought to be no confusion to whom those employees are beholden. The productive members of our society who contribute by way of their taxes expect a free press that is focused on informing and upholding the highest standards of objectivity and impartiality. Instead we find ourselves in the company of cowardly propaganda producing shills focused on a narrative handed to them directly from their single Source of truth. Journalistic and medical rigour it seems are artefacts of a forgotten past in this dark period of government/ media scientism. The New Zealand people deserve better - or are we just getting what we deserve? A sin can be considered missing the mark, but a prolonged conscious commitment to journalistic somnolence, because the Man has got ya back, is a crime against conscience, morality, and the lives and liberty of all - we whom you have actively betrayed, or did you think parading yourselves as the Fourth Estate comes without consequences? The tyranny that Jacinda Ardern and her cabal of media and health co-conspirators have inflicted on the New Zealand people will soon be instantiated into the historical record. These violations against the health and rights of the NZ people will be met with incalculable grief and anger; history is replete with those that were "just doing their job." A living conscience and awakened intellect are rare phenomena in the government/media complex - as rare as unicorns and pleasant elocution. This current health emergency with its draconian rules is predicated on there actually being a health emergency, as is the emergency use authorisation for the vaccine roll out. We see now that there was no health emergency as those who died with Covid in NZ did not die of COVID-19. Data from the UK is indicating between 6,000 to 17,000 deaths from COVID-19 and that those who died with Covid came under the general heading of "all causes mortality." The CDC indicates that 95% of deaths with COVID-19 had four or more comorbidities and the death rates in the US and most liberal democracies, including Japan, were within the all causes average of previous years up to mid 2021. Insurance actuaries all over the world are now sounding the alarm of an increase in all causes mortality in direct temporal correlation with the worldwide vaccine roll out. The US is seeing a 40% increase in all causes mortality in direct correlation with the vaccine roll out. This constitutes an increase of 100,000 deaths per month. A 10% rise is considered catastrophic. Above is a graph showing the rise in all causes mortality for NZ’s 60-plus cohort and its correlation to the vaccine roll out. The vaccine is safe and effective? Surely the Popperian axiom that every scientific hypothesis be falsifiable applies and ought to be pursued with rigorous experiment and debate. The children of this country are now being herded and corralled by woke thespians toward the needle to protect them from a virus that has not killed a healthy child anywhere on this planet. No self-respecting grandparent would expect their beautiful grandchildren to take an experimental vaccine that does not confer sterilising immunity just to protect themselves. I would rather die in pain! Why the push to jab the kids, is it the vaccine-pass that is important here not the health of the child? Is the vaccine pass crucial to our digital identity, is that the real focus of this creepy & abnormal vaccine push? Why, if there were no health emergency, would governments all over the world implement exactly the same draconian health rules in violation of their previously well-developed pandemic plans? Why have our (and overseas) media not questioned the implementation of health rules, the suspension of the Bills of Rights and the violation of international accords exemplifying well-developed, ethical, medical principles? From what Source do the philosophic underpinnings of lockdowns, medical apartheid, the dilution of liberal principles, the direct attack on bodily autonomy; what dark hegemonic impulse mandates, segregates and ultimately subjugates a free people and does so with the consent of their civic decency? What manner of entity is capable of such a thing? “Yep, yep that's exactly what it is,” said our PM with a cognitive dissonance so resoundingly distressing that every thinking citizen of Godzone & the world bore witness to the psychological murder of humanity by ideology live on television. Jacinda Ardern has proved in her address to the UN that she is a globalist corporatist shill. She holds that farming, individual sovereign nations and personal individual sovereignty (including small business operators) are anachronistic artefacts of a bygone age. They have been usurped by a government arbitration of social behavior and reward for adherence to groupthink, or a loss of liberty for thought crime. Any person that deviates from the prescribed behavioural monolith and erroneous scientism suffers a loss of what has before been considered inalienable. The slow and steady erosion of principled individual liberty with a social credit system has already been enacted via health rules, and our media and health system are complicit in this corporate slavery. Legislative infrastructure such as the Digital Identity Trust Services Bill, supporting the implementation of legislated tyranny, has had its second reading. Attacks on free speech through hate speech laws and the implementation of internet censorship will be written into law as surely as the night follows the day. Legislative and economic abominations such as the above are being written into law in all Western democracies simultaneously under the Digital Identity rubric in concert with central and commercial banks. The focus of every liberal democracy on this planet has not been on the health of its citizens but on the control of its citizenry, moving in lockstep and facilitated by techno-tyranny censorship. Imagine a world where no one aspires or strives, where a central banking system provides a universal basic income (that won’t be large) and digital credits via block chain technology. No more small business, no more cash - all is provided by our benevolent corporate ubermenschen in league with governments. Thousands of cameras, one on every street corner, maybe in every small government owned box that you inhabit and lease, you won't own anything, but will you be happy? Should you behave contrary to government expectations your social credit will reduce as if by magic, the all-seeing algorithm is your friend. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will deliver you from despair and will lead to the emancipation of the human thing. In our once-wonderful New Zealand the digital infrastructure is already in place and has been in the planning and building phase for many years. Turn-key Totalitarianism is coming to a town near you. First, what has been built must be destroyed so we can Build Back Better. The deliberate destruction of small business, loss of employment through vaccine mandates, pain, suffering and loss caused by the vaccines themselves. Supply chain deficiency bought on deliberately to generate despair and confusion, all of the above planned and consciously implemented by our governments facilitated by technocrats and conceived by banking greed and globalist hegemonic evil. Or do you still think they’re "just incompetent?" Do not despair brothers and sisters, even as I write millions of free souls are awake and taking to the streets. Half a million people in convoy across Canada are closing in on Ottawa in protest of the demented tyrannical gimp Justin Trudeau. The bifurcation of good and evil has split the Catholic church and the homunculus governments of the once-great West are flapping their newly sprouted totalitarian wings spinning in ever decreasing circles at the dawning realization of their CRIMES. --- In the article above Guy Hatchard illustrates not only the temporal correlation between a rise in all causes mortality and the vax roll out but he describes what is currently happening at ACC. It seems there are 100,000 vaccine injury claims. This rings true given NZ and Australian hospitals were busier than ever during the vaccine roll out, but it seems our esteemed doctors and sage media simply were not able to infer that sometimes correlation does in fact imply causation. Claims of injury and distress were brushed off as psychosomatic anxiety and our politicians simply shut their ears, as they follow political ends and are not concerned with the health of their population. I also note our government will not mandate the vax for ACC staff, it seems they have no appetite to take the "safe and effective" vaccine. I wonder why. I have spelled-out facts and asked questions and I leave it to you to draw your own inferences. I have not yet had a single response from any media institutions that I've been addressing since the beginning of these dystopian events. I invite and welcome your refutations and comments and am incredulous at your silence. What a grand idea is Freedom, no idea ever took root so deeply in the Western psyche. So much so that men go willingly to their deaths to protect and uphold its beneficence. No idea has ever had, and will ever have, such allure. Yours, Citizen X
Reality Check Radio: Six Hit Shows in One Week on the Assassination Attempt on Trump. NZ is Engaged!
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