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By Olivia Pierson First published on Insight@theBFD 11/07/2020 So many genuine businesses have been left struggling in the aftermath of the job-killing lockdown, but not the contrived race victim business. That senseless enterprise thrives with self-righteous boldness as it shamelessly capitalises on the horrible death of George Floyd. Floyd’s killers will be brought to justice. The exploiters of his death, who left violence, vandalism and destruction resulting in murders in their wake, will not be. White liberals seem to be consumed by the white guilt narratives they’ve cowardly swallowed and are all “taking the knee” (an odd term after the way Floyd was killed) to signal the depth of their humble repentance for having defectively racist DNA. Police all over the Western world stood aside and let the indignant angry mobs desecrate war memorials and revered statues of our heroes, such as Churchill and Lincoln, that were even urinated upon in broad daylight. It’s repulsive to watch these savages of every colour get away with it. On the Queen’s Birthday public holiday in New Zealand an indignant copy-cat crowd of 4000 broke all the level 2 lockdown rules of social distancing and cozied up in Aotea Square to “protest racism” and support Black Lives Matter, ostensibly because of what happened to Floyd in Minneapolis. Humbug! This was an act of groupthink by a whole lot of young people with a herd mentality who are on mass government Covid-welfare and suffering from chronic boredom since the country locked down in March. They needed a so-called righteous cause to occupy their vain little empty heads and it was provided to them by BLM activist/organisers. This racism business is all just nonsense, a mass effort to assert mob tyranny in America. “Defund the police!” They scream, while they plot to form their own politically-correct Stasi in Minneapolis, where their City Council President Lisa Bender says with a straight face that calling the police to protect you during a home break-in “comes from a place of privilege.” The woman is clearly a lunatic, but I hope she gets given a much wider sphere of influence as nothing would hand the election to Trump quicker than a Democrat policy to actually defund the police. No Western country is racist anymore. There’s not even a lingering hangover from old world racism. It’s the very opposite now – white Western nations have fancifully fawned over their minority communities in the last 50 years, indulging them, encouraging them to play the victim and even paying them money to do so, all while ignoring their painfully massive crime rates. And like a bunch of spoiled little brats who never get told “No!”, these overly entitled minorities (and the liberal whites who make a big deal about being on their side) are now throwing destructive tantrums which have led to the deaths of others in America, such as St. Louis police Captain David Dorn (77 years), Oakland Federal Protective Service Officer Patrick Underwood (53 years), Davenport woman Italia Marie Kelly (22 years), Indianapolis man Chris Beaty (38 years) and Indianapolis teenager Dorian Murrell (18 years). All of these fatalities were black lives that were taken during the looting and riots. Horace Cooper, Co-Chairman of Project 21 Black Leadership Network makes the point perfectly when he says that America has spent $22 trillion of tax-payer money on “problem solving” and all it has managed to do is enrich the “problem solving class,” so they can have ski holidays in Aspen and drive expensive cars. “We need victims,” says Cooper, “There is a class of Americans whose entire livelihood is based on the existence of victims…. There is a strong sentiment among the so-called problem-solving class to keep things as they are.” Cooper explains to Tucker Carlson that before the Social Justice problem-solving class took over, black Americans had above-average levels of family stability, educational attainment and literacy just prior to the advent of social justice policies that were enacted to solve society’s problems. Yet these policies have made things worse. The race victim business is booming and it seems like the Covid lockdown helped it along. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
Paul Sommer
16/6/2020 10:07:25 pm
Well said Olivia - So sad more people don't wake up to the truth of what's going on
John Hurley
17/6/2020 12:00:04 am
I disagree about Western nations not being "racist". Eric Kaufmann uses data to show that Brexit and Trumps election were about values and those values relate to retaining an ethnic majority. It is immigration at the national level that gets people upset. A nation is an "imagined community" (imagined because we are fairly sure our countrymen will speak our language and (mostly) look like us.
Purple Flower
17/6/2020 06:13:19 am
Sorry, John, but I totally disagree with your statement that "Brexit and Trump's election were about values and those values relate to retaining an ethnic majority." The comment reflects tunnel vision and a complete lack of insight and knowledge (perhaps on Eric Kaufmann's part).
John Hurley
17/6/2020 02:35:35 pm
Simply put, it is all about nativism! Indeed, across all methods, the findings are incredibly consistent—those who support Trump are much more likely to hold strong nativist and anti-immigrant beliefs, controlling for other ideological and demographic variables. Most importantly, nativism is the most impactful driver of support for Trump. Let’s examine in detail.
17/6/2020 09:17:18 pm
John Hurley, you are absolutely wrong to say that the Trump election was about ethnicity. I'm a second generation American (a minority) and voted for Trump because he has the courage to speak out against the pc leeches in government who are all about padding their pockets at the expense of Americans. People, like myself who support Trump, do so because we believe in traditional values like work, merit, independence and freedom of speech. We are sick and tired of the Left pushing us around telling us what we can and cannot do or say. Any intellectually honest person who spends time in the USA, knows that Americans appreciate and welcome any person, regardless of ethnicity, who shares our American values. Trump is understands and shares our values. The Clintons are power hungry psychopaths, Bernie Sanders is a Communist, Joe Biden is a corrupt and incompetent idiot and the rest of the Democrat lot is not much different. President Trump has Americans best interest at heart.
John Hurley
17/6/2020 11:31:44 pm
I did put racist in quotation marks. The border was a big issue though and why wouldn't it be? You absorb into or you compete with. As Pat Buchanan pointed out the "universal nation has never existed"
Purple Flower
19/6/2020 03:00:27 am
John, the border issue in the USA has absolutely nothing to do with race or with immigration. Your whole argument collapses if that is your anecdotal example of racism and anti-immigration nativism.
Purple Flower
20/6/2020 04:21:03 am
John, NZ has border issues too. Those who are being let in are predominantly white and have no ties to NZ (film crews, America's Cup participants, sportsmen, high-paid individuals). Those who are being denied entry are predominantly non-white but do have ties to NZ (lower-paid workers stuck in India and elsewhere with homes, jobs, family in NZ).
19/6/2020 02:18:31 am
John, you put "racist" in quotation marks but you also said it was an ethnic and nativist issue. The issue was and continues to be illegal and unfettered immigration. It has zero to do with race or ethnicity. It's a matter of controlling who comes into our country. It's everything to do with values and culture. American values and culture continue to be attacked and undermined. Mass immigration is just one of the many tools the Left is using to cancel out American votes and dilute American culture and values.
Colin Roberts
17/6/2020 02:01:57 am
Absolutely Olivia!! Heartening to read a sensible narrative on the insanity sweeping the West. Appreciate reading what I would have written, had I the way with words and common sense of you.
Purple Flower
17/6/2020 07:11:37 am
Thank you, Olivia, for consistently providing the voice of reason in these insane times.
Doug Longmire Longmire
17/6/2020 05:22:45 pm
Thank You Olivia and Purple for sensible and clear comments. Yes - the race victim mentality is well and truly alive here, as evidenced by the protest mob marches, and the sudden attacks on statues.
Doug Longmire
17/6/2020 08:33:32 pm
Also - I agree with Purple regarding the Mainstream "media" which is very poor quality and heavily Left biased. Probably the worst offender is TV news. It is just a cringing embarrassment.
17/6/2020 09:45:15 pm
Olivia, thank you for yet another excellent piece. I read your articles but rarely have time to comment. You're have 20/20 visual acuity when it comes to American culture and politics.
17/6/2020 09:58:30 pm
Hilda, thank you!
20/6/2020 03:10:27 am
The evil behind most of the modern movements to save this or that group from destruction, is that the movement dare not actually solve the problem. As soon as they solve the problem, their funding and reason for existence vanishes. You will probably find most busy body karen organizations perpetuate societies problems. This is the agency problem.
21/6/2020 03:12:41 pm
You're blind if you can't see the ideology of a man who elevated Steven Miller, whose email leaks showed him to be paranoid white nationalist, obsessed with Replcement Theory.
21/6/2020 11:47:36 pm
It's quite tiring for Trump supporters to hear the repeated accusations of racism from the MSM propaganda machine. So when I hear it from the general population, I always wonder why they don't bother to provide direct sources for their claims. Am I supposed to believe Micah's assertions, over Trump's actions? Really?
Purple Flower
22/6/2020 04:49:49 am
Micah has proved that he has no argument whatsoever to support his assertions, since everything he/she has to say here, is just pinning labels on the players: Stephen Miller, who is senior policy advisor to Trump, is labelled by Micah as a paranoid white nationalist, ergo Trump's ideology is compatible with racist policies, ergo anyone who doesn't agree with those labels is blind.
22/6/2020 08:15:00 am
Thank you, Purple Flower. It's clear Micah is someone to be ignored.
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