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By Olivia Pierson
[First published on Incite 23/5/19] Most people like the traits of self-confidence, tolerance and a fair mind. But when a prime minister consistently styles her public life and messaging in the fashion of a woman’s weekly magazine, one is left thinking how shameful it is that these traits are not being employed to serve worthier causes than meaningless emotional ejaculations. Jacinda Ardern has perfected a modern “emoji" style of communication, one of self-confidence in her optimistic entitlement to respect (whether it has been earned or not) and an almost narcissistic preoccupation with projecting a self-image of tolerance and cutesy-pie niceness. This style of hers is unsurprising considering she was born into the earliest cohort of the Millennial generation (1980 – 1996). As soon as Ardern became PM, press focus throughout the first year of her administration was entirely centred on her pregnancy and the birth of her baby daughter. For the folks who like to chime-in that women in leadership are held to a more strenuous standard of judgment than men are, the national and world-wide tabloid focus on Ardern’s pregnancy clearly told a different story. Nobody held her accountable for anything political. She was given a big, fat, free-pass on absolutely everything, because she was in a family way – and women’s magazines just couldn’t get enough of that. Ardern has focused on grabbing depthless headlines with matching photo ops, from her early campaign slogans of ‘Let’s do this!’ and ‘Relentless posidivvidy,’ to her repetitious slogan ‘They are us’ after the Christchurch massacre – with accompanying photographs of herself and other female useful idiots swaddled in headscarves. On the tail of that horrible massacre and on the very same day that Ardern announced the government was about to enact gun legislation outlawing all “military styled” guns (whatever they are), Ardern’s de-facto partner Mr. Stay-at-Home-Dad, Clarke Gayford, obviously with his girlfriend’s permission, hit social media with this doozy: “For her 9 month birthday today we received the gift of crawling,” he posted on Twitter on Thursday night. “While her mum got her the gift of having a safer country to grow up in.” Exactly how this country will ever be safer when only criminals and gang-members possess the illegal guns is never explained, and the press never ask. Then we were bombarded by all the revolting gibberish associated with Ardern crumpling her mug into the most unimpeachably sincere facial expressions as she started to talk about limiting freedom of speech in New Zealand while saying things like: “This is an area where we need to be really cautious about balancing freedom of speech, but also where that speech tips over into a space where it becomes potentially violent and harmful.” “Space.” As if we’re talking about something as apolitical as architecture or real estate. Then note the highly typical Freedom of Speech Denier’s predictable “but” - and what on Earth defines “potentially violent and harmful?” A cartoon about Mohammad? A piece of satire which sets off a minority’s touchy feelings? Using the words: “a minority’s touchy feelings?” We’ve now witnessed the curious spectacle of the Christchurch Call, with Ardern flying off to Paris to have a virtue-signalling tête-à-tête with Emmanuel Macron at the very same time that he has tens-of-thousands of yellow-vest protesters in French streets every weekend, who are seriously calling for his removal as president. Macron gave orders for his heavily armed police to crack down on these protests so forcefully that one of the main leaders of the movement (and it is a movement), Jerome Rodrigues, was shot by police through the eye resulting in his becoming handicapped for life. He has since been placed in an artificial coma, to the enormous grief of his family members. Nonetheless, our PM and Macron are busy playing nice grownups by trying to lead the world in having giant tech companies and governments voluntarily cozy-up with each other to end “terrorism and violent extremism” online. But what about violent extremism in the flesh, Mr. Macron, and on your watch under your orders? It doesn’t quite strike the right glossy mag tone, does it…and while we’re on the topic of glossy mags, I guess we’ll know when Ardern and Macron have garnered a measure of success when the highly-polished Dabiq magazine, the online tool that ISIS uses to recruit foreign fighters in Western countries, is no longer available for free download. If Ardern and Macron were serious about curing the world of terrorism and violent extremism, they would be pushing for the deportation of any Muslim with jihadist tendencies or connections into the deserts of Syria. Same goes for the likes of imams who preach the most vile hate and violence against “infidels” in Western mosques every week. I haven’t heard Ardern or Macron even mention these very widespread and well-documented phenomena. And they won’t. While Ardern faffs about at this high-profile, do-gooder event, it is worth considering that in an act that can only be described as Orwellian, she had chief censor David Shanks ban the manifesto shared online by Christchurch shooter, Brenton Tarrant, upon pain of incarceration if anyone shares it or keeps a copy in their possession. The communist China-loving, eco-fascist Tarrant stated that he chose firearms because of the influence it would have on social discourse, believing that the gun legislation debate would become global in nature and crystallise in the United States. I surmise that he was right about that because I recently watched Ardern sit down with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and say, “Australia experienced a massacre and changed their laws. New Zealand had its experience and changed its laws. To be honest, I do not understand the United States.” No, it is clear that she doesn’t understand the United States, rabid socialists don’t get capitalism and freedom. What worries me most is that the warped mind of Tarrant understood that our woman’s weekly prime minister is so entirely predictable that she would set about turning a democracy against itself immediately after his heinous crime. Ardern quickly began acting out his predictions. Perhaps that has something to do with why she made sure his manifesto was swiftly forbidden to be read by New Zealand citizens. Ardern brazenly lied in that interview with Amanpour. She claimed the altering of our gun laws was something “New Zealanders by-and-large absolutely agreed with.” This is false. New Zealanders were given absolutely no choice in the matter and a great many people, including non-gun owners, are fuming about it. They are also incandescent with anger about the looming clamp-down on freedom of speech that Ardern and her coalition are aggressively gunning for. These infuriated feelings will not be placated by superficial appeals to women’s mag niceness, for it is only too obvious that such appeals are designed to mask Orwellian acts of crimes against liberty. Jacinda Ardern’s leadership has become a glaring example of style over substance, manners over meaning and regularity over quality of content. I’ve seen this spectre before during the reign of Barrack Obama, this media fawning and rainbows over the Whitehouse with saccharine sprinkles – all disguising some pretty dark deeds. As with Tarrant’s banned manifesto, along with President Macron’s under-reported, violent crack-downs on the yellow-vest protests, now into their sixth month, the seriousness of what is really going on in real-time is a far cry away from the fizzy pop bubbles of a fanzine. But why would Ardern care too much about the sombre gravity of these matters when she and Gayford are about to hog world media attention as they plan their big wedding day? If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
27/5/2019 09:40:52 pm
Bingo! Nail on head! Those pre-election nuptials will really ramp up the glossy mag ratings, and Mr and Mrs Gullible will likely ensure she makes another term - so charmed will they be. Meanwhile Common Sense, Decency and the Rights of New Zealanders will be further down the gurgler.
28/5/2019 04:18:06 am
Totally agree. 100%
28/5/2019 02:24:30 pm
Excellent piece & should be front page on all the nations papers. Keep up the good fight! 👏
28/5/2019 02:28:21 pm
You are so right. It now only seems that labours only true policy was that of the UNs and nothing else
28/5/2019 02:38:42 pm
As we contemplate returning to NZ to live we are horrified at reports and images of heavy-handed police raids against law-abiding citizens, draconian gun law amendments without due process or consultation with stakeholders and suggestions of diminution of personal freedoms. When coupled with horrific property values and third world wages compared with Australia, we wonder if we're making the right decision and are gravely concerned about our family's future?
29/5/2019 02:58:10 pm
We just moved to Australia two months ago where our youngest son and family are in Sydney we could not stand it anymore in NZ with the constant rubbish and fawning over Adern and are enjoying not hearing about her on the media or see her plastered everywhere, a pleasant change, we will return sometime but not while the circus is in town.
29/5/2019 03:01:42 pm
Got so excited I misspelled Ardern's surname, just shows how annoyed I am 😁
Matt Percy
28/5/2019 02:51:52 pm
Spot on thanks.....could you do a follow up around puppet master Helen Clark?
Mark Treadgold
28/5/2019 03:21:50 pm
I thought there was something wrong when the announcement of Ardern's pregnancy was elevated to "breaking news" status. My prayer to God is that He will be merciful to us and not give her three more years.
28/5/2019 08:07:11 pm
Sadly it seems that neither God nor the electorate have any say in the matter; the balance of power rests entirely in the hands of Winston, as was proven in the last (farcical) election.
Phil Buhler
29/5/2019 02:12:43 pm
Nah Winston burnt his bridges when he snubbed his followers who believed he would always team with National. If you want a credible partner for National in 2020 then vote for New Conservative
Rowena Haldane
28/5/2019 04:48:32 pm
Again this begs the question. Emotive "journalism" sells. How is it we are consistently fed brain numbing crap that passes as news? So the question remains who controls the news? Has responsible journalism disappeared down the toilet?
28/5/2019 05:49:08 pm
Is it not alarming that a woman with a degree in Communications could be so arrogant and controlling to even consider claiming the power to discipline what we read, think, say or write?
Oswald Pharter
30/5/2019 01:44:55 am
Whoa. Beautifully put.
30/5/2019 02:47:30 am
So can feel it in the bones, the falseness of it all. Day one I felt it.
30/5/2019 01:21:45 pm
Me too. Just wait for the wedding plans to be set in motion..................
Dawson Boles
28/5/2019 09:02:44 pm
Look at this Youtube link, she already has the police working a political agenda rather than enforcing the law. Very dangerous time for free speech in New Zealand.
29/5/2019 10:51:42 am
Lol when the people voted her in they gave their voice their authority for her to make decisions on their behalf, so no she wasn't lying.
29/5/2019 12:42:05 pm
'The people' did not vote her in - Mr Peters did.
Phil Buhler
29/5/2019 02:16:29 pm
You at right, Winston is solely responsible for the current coalition
Michael Whybro
29/5/2019 04:33:51 pm
Brilliant! Perfectly said - thanks. I've shared! :)
Liz Keen
29/5/2019 07:46:44 pm
Agree - so nice that some people in the media are actually telling it as it is - she is all photo op and look I'm kind I kind,and really its all about her - the world stage and stuff the country - oh thats right they are all ready doing that.
Tony Orman
29/5/2019 10:54:54 pm
This article is refreshingly spot on. The panicked reaction over firearms was knee jerk stuff. What if Tarrant had used a bomb or a truck to mow people down. Would Adern have restricted truck ownership?? The rushed new law was undemocratic. NZ First had a chance to stall it for proper public input and democratic discussion. But they lamely trundled long in he wake of the PM.
Oswald Pharter
30/5/2019 01:37:08 am
Exactly. The point being bombs kill and have killed far more people than guns and come to think of it so have cars but no call on their restriction!!
Alice de Janze
29/5/2019 11:43:33 pm
I knew she was a wrong'un as soon as I learned that she had worked for Tony B'liar, the most hated man in Britain, and that her strings were being pulled by United Nations puppet master Helen Clarke. What a toxic mix of influences. New Zealanders deserve so much better than this ghastly woman.
30/5/2019 02:02:09 pm
The Agents of Agenda 21 and the NWO will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. These include the complete desecration of society; the obliteration of anything that is good, just, moral, decent, noble, rational or compassionate. One can only hope that people wake up before it's too late.
BHud JonesQSM
30/5/2019 12:36:00 am
spot on, ,great article. others beat me to it, but nobody but Winston elected / installed this façade of a PM What an international embarrassment, formerly held by obama
Oswald Pharter
30/5/2019 01:41:05 am
Is it me or is her head out of proportion (bigger) than her body. Maybe I need new glasses!!
30/5/2019 02:43:48 pm
30/5/2019 02:51:11 pm
Totally agree with the article. The dozy bitch hasn't got a clue what she is doing and she lords it over everyone telling us how we are to live and think.. She is a menace and needs to resign immediately.
J. B. Ross
30/5/2019 04:23:07 pm
Yes, totally agree, this mob have to be deposed of in the next election, Ardern is so totally unfit for Prime Minister, along with Peters as deputy, will stuff the country if allowed a second term, wake up New Zealand!!
Rod Woods
30/5/2019 04:25:12 pm
Well said! It is a refreshing change to read. NZr's are sick of the touchy-feely socialist crap that is rammed down our throats by the news media on a daily basis. Keep up the good work!
Robin Ratcliffe
30/5/2019 04:34:12 pm
I am a proud New Zealander but I am not proud to see our Government take a socialist stance. Both Helen Clarke and Jacinda Ardern are disasters . How we allowed these women to be in such positions amazes me. 9 years under national we were making headway and now we suddenly have been taking back to the Helen Clarke days. Will we continue to make the same mistake next year. Come on NZ we are smarter than that.
April Woods
30/5/2019 07:07:43 pm
Fantastic piece of journalism. We all have the opportunity to get rid of Jacinderella at the next election, and the rest of her thugs.
31/5/2019 01:35:33 am
But unfortunately, as evidenced in the last pantomime of an election, our votes don't count, so I'm not sure that we do actually have that opportunity. Democracy (along with a host of other core values) is in its death long as the box is ticked the reality doesn't count.
1/6/2019 02:26:19 am
It's all about her Jacinda Ardern ! She is a socialist in my view and making a international impression of how great am I while so much freedoms of speech and our way of life freedoms she is trying to take away from NewZealanders. No Kiwi did this dispicable act on those poor people in Christchurch it was a foreigner so why do we have to pay with our freedoms !!? This is socialist beliefs our Fathers and Grandfather's fought wars to save us from this our country is getting taken away from us.
Doug Longmire
1/6/2019 12:37:15 pm
Thank you Olivia for a very penetrating and perceptive article. The issues you raised are very mush to the point, and if only your article could ne published more widely !!!
1/6/2019 12:52:21 pm
It is heartening to know that there are those of similiar thinking as displayed here on this blog and with particular reference to this article. For a long time I have felt isolated as the people I know either will not discuss the situation or, if they do, it is only to comment on how pretty she is or what a Global Rockstar she has become. Mr Longmire is correct in all that he says including the genocide factor. Those that remain will be enslaved to the 'Masters'. For clarification on who these 'masters' are read Not In His Image by John Lamb Lash. Humanity is at a tipping point and people need to wake up quickly.
Doug Longmire
1/6/2019 01:37:10 pm
Thanks Hilary.
2/6/2019 12:52:17 pm
We live in a world where every intrinsic right, every stitch in the moral fabric of society has been subverted, perverted, inverted such that now kindness is tyranny, compassion is control; education is propaganda; a world where justice is a mockery, democracy is a farce and all that is degenerate is revered. Eric Blair was an 'insider' - he knew the plan for humanity so perhaps his works were intended as a warning. But folk are too caught up in their Smart-this and i-that, too bewildered by the daily struggle to get by to look up and see that their planet, their values, their culture are all being systematically destroyed. This then is the world that awaits our children and our grandchildren .................
4/6/2019 07:22:22 pm
5/6/2019 11:32:19 pm
Thank you for your brilliant summing up of the situation we are now faced with in New Zealand. I am staggered that this dangerous person thinks she can speak for me. A globalist and socialist agenda is being promoted while our freedom of speech is being eroded. However while many are intelligent enough to see what is happening I also worry that she has pandered to certain groups who will support her in the next election.
Robin Back
13/6/2019 10:32:10 pm
The silent majority will vote when the time comes.
14/6/2019 01:11:48 pm
As demonstrated in the previous 'election' there is only one person's vote that matters; the rest of us may as well stay at home and pickle eggs or knit squares - the result would be more productive than going out to vote. As Mark Twain is credited with saying: If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it.
Alan Ives
14/6/2019 04:02:15 am
BE CAREFUL you may be accused of hate speech. But i agree 100%
tom cartwright
14/6/2019 07:39:54 pm
our beloved Jacinda Ardern, P. M. said that taking semi autos, and M.S.S.A.. firearms out of the hands of honest, law abiding firearms licence holding, N.Zers, will make N.Z. a safer place for us all to live. Well, correct me if I am wrong, but to make some where a safer place, there must be a threat to that safety. As I understand it, prior to the terrible events of march 15th in Christchurch, firearms related crime, and deaths involving firearms, in N.Z. was extremely low, somewhere around 1%, or so. 1% does not relate to a threat to the safety of N.Z.ers. So if there is no threat to be made safe from , what is Jacinda Ardern on about. If there is no threat, how can we be made safer ? This knee jerk legislation, is just our P.M. looking to rack up a few brownie points
Mercy Lyss
14/6/2019 09:37:30 pm
As a new shooter... a woman.... and an EX gun hater .... why can't we get rid of her now? Her and Winston are killing this country... creating divisions, and giving criminals more ammunition if you will pardon the pun. This is another get if somewhat too late article. I for one will be sharing it!
Bruce A
18/6/2019 03:07:55 am
I thought, crikey, this is a rather aggressive missive but it is so accurate and true, really makes you realise how stupid we are that we somehow let her and her whimpering sycophants assume power. Yes MMP is a disgrace, STV for me all those years ago but we ended up with this abomination. The mark of a good leader is one who stands firm in adversity, upholds and implements good moral judgement and values, not one that rides a wave of emotional insanity and throws integrity out the window and good people under the bus.
31/7/2019 01:16:51 am
I recently heard that she is about to grace the cover of Vogue magazine. Do we have a Prime Minister or a Pin-Up?
1/8/2019 04:14:24 pm
Sadly - very sadly - a dumb pin up girl who needs either an orthodontist or very good Photoshopping to look as good as she did in this Womens Weekly cover! :(
23/9/2019 12:24:00 am
Actually makes me so nauseous that I cannot watch the NEWS
23/9/2019 06:21:49 pm
Apologies for above mistakes or not doing a proof read
9/2/2020 03:26:50 am
She’s soo darn into photo shoot and
17/7/2021 11:01:25 pm
Shanks's Office of Film and Literature Classification also kept no records of it's process deciding the authenticity of tarrants go pro.
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