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By Olivia Pierson
First published on Insight@theBFD 3/09/2020 The violence of the Marxist group Black Lives Matter and their alliance with the fascist hate group ANTIFA, is undeniable. We have watched American cities be set aflame: businesses, churches, cars and municipal buildings. We have watched untold people be punched, beaten and killed by them. We have watched hysterical banshees scream “hate-speech!” at ordinary decent folks who keep reiterating the universal truth that all lives matter. The official Black Lives Matter website made their racist intentions clear, as if their violent actions were not clear enough to those who pay attention. But what’s truly repulsive is that here in New Zealand the BLM propaganda now mindlessly infects all of our educational institutions, along with our corporates. I’ve driven past schools, such as Auckland’s Marcellin College which describes itself as “A High Achieving Catholic Family Environment.” Prominently in their playground visible from the road, they brandished a “Black Lives Matter” billboard. I fired off an email message challenging them to take note of the fact that the BLM website states this: We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. Since when are Catholic schools in agreement with violent, racist movements that seek to disrupt the nuclear family? Why are they linking arms with such a vicious political group? Perhaps they’ve been encouraged by the ghastly spectacle of an academic and influencer of NZ children such as Dr. Siouxie Wiles, who shamelessly used the platform of her Twitter account to encourage New Zealanders to send money online to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, in order to donate funds for the legal costs and bail of BLM-ANTIFA protesters who were arrested for unrestrained criminal behaviour. Dr. Wiles sent out that appalling tweet on June 1st ostensibly to show solidarity with the George Floyd protests in America, which had by then already exploded into shocking violence. The next day on June 2nd, in St.Louis, some protesters murdered retired black cop David Dorn who went to try to protect his friend’s pawn shop from being smashed up and looted. You can watch Ann Dorn, David’s widow, describe exactly what happened in her heartbreaking address to the Republican National Convention. By June 5th, 17 Americans had lost their lives in these protests. Many of them were black Americans, but their lives didn’t matter. Countless people were by then injured and untold businesses smashed. Yet despite all that harm, the NZ Herald ran a story on June 10th to say that St. Andrew’s College in Christchurch were investigating an incident where a teacher rightly removed Black Lives Matter posters from the walls of the school. The students claimed that the teacher “went berserk” at them and said, “you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Well done that teacher! Auckland’s Marist College had students complain over their BLM posters being removed by staff and Christchurch Girl’s College also had students upset that their posters were removed by a teacher who said “all lives matter.” Senior management intervened and commanded staff to leave the posters up. No NZ school should suffer this ugly movement’s lying propaganda to be anywhere near their classrooms and playgrounds. This past weekend saw the death of “Prayer Patriot” and Trump supporter Aaron Danielson in Portland, Oregon. Video has surfaced of BLM-ANTIFA protesters yelling out, “We’ve got another one right here! A Trumper!” Then two shots ring out. Close by to the shooting, and after hearing of Danielson’s death, a female BLM-ANTIFA activist shouts into a megaphone: “And tonight, I just got word that the person who died was a Patriot Prayer Trump person. He was a fucking Nazi! Our community held its own and took out the trash. I am not going to shed any tears over a Nazi.” These killer activists have been basking in the solidarity of NZ educational institutions – and it’s utterly unbelievable and unconscionable. Disgustingly, even the NZ School of Music at Victoria University in Wellington made a firm public statement to show their lemming-like support for BLM. Their June 2020 newsletter went out with these words: Black Lives Matter The New Zealand School of Music—Te Koki affirms its support for the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement, and its commitment to addressing systemic racism, injustice, and violence. We’ve been having discussions as a School as to how we can best open our ears to the conversations taking place at the moment, and are thinking about ways we can take action against any institutional racism within our walls. As these discussions continue, our programmes have come up with some immediate actions they are taking to bring about change. We welcome other suggestions from current and former students, faculty, and staff as to how we create more equitable, more inclusive, and more culturally-relevant learning environments for our students. The Music Studies programme commits to reviewing our curriculum and research practices to de-center whiteness and prioritize anti-racist approaches in music education and music studies more broadly. This will include examining the content, approaches, and perspectives taught in all of our courses, and more action is to come. How can a Music School even pretend to teach music if their goal is to de-center whiteness? On the basis of skin colour alone, that’s Beethoven gone, Brahms, Bach, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Wagner, Puccini, Mozart and the rest – all wiped. And for what? Solidarity with the most racist and violent hate group in America. That should enrage any true lover of music. Lindsay Perigo called this Ethnic Cleansing in Academia Aotearoa, and he’s 100 per cent correct. That’s exactly what it is. This shameless and dangerous groupthink indoctrinating NZ education needs to immediately cease, and in light of the homicidal brutality going on in the name of BLM-ANTIFA, the institutions who have supported them need to publicly apologise and state why. Dr. Siouxie Wiles needs to publicly apologise and state why. BLM and ANTIFA are terrorising America as we speak and New Zealanders need to wise up instead of acting like useful idiots who pretend the movement is about “fairness and equality.” Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s about hate and chaos – and they’re openly advocating black superiority to achieve that hate and chaos. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer”
Purple Flower
9/9/2020 03:57:11 pm
Exactly. The trouble is, the sheeple in NZ are so full of their own self-righteousness and their sanctimonious "they-are-us"-ness, that they only need to see the three words "black" and "lives" and "matter" one after the other, to get on their high horse to denounce anyone who hasn't fallen for the BLM claptrap.
10/9/2020 02:10:44 am
Don't forget the tens of thousands of black babies aborted each year in Margaret Sanger's planned parenthood clinics.
Purple Flower
10/9/2020 05:13:41 am
Thanks Mike, but I certainly had not forgotten about the aborted babies. I intentionally left out any reference to the abortions because of the prevailing attitudes in the NZ audience. If the mainstream media in NZ is anything to go by, anything remotely anti-abortion (or pro-Trump, for that matter) automatically renders the proponent as a religious fanatic or crackpot, so nothing they have to say is worth paying attention to.
9/9/2020 06:10:49 pm
How is it that those who are theoretically best equipped to analyze BLM &Antifa are the most gullible? How is it that superficial appearance supersedes any actual interrogation of the movements?
Purple Flower
10/9/2020 06:58:27 am
Further to my posts above, here is an extract from a featured Stuff article today, which encapsulates the NZ mainstream media attitude: "Sometimes Politics Should Trump Friendships."
10/9/2020 08:18:18 pm
11/9/2020 05:15:20 am
Thank you very much for your comment on the BLM movement and its influence in our country. I fully agree with you. I am a teacher in an Auckland secondary school and I am very concerned about the pernicious influence of activist teachers and group-think in staffrooms. Have a look, also, at the 'Health' curriculum.
17/11/2020 01:51:55 am
I think the issue around this whole left-right, ANTIFA, BLM argument is that some people on both ends of the scale flick around too much bias and racism at one another. Its harmful for either causes, then you have both ends committing acts of violence and racial hate (oral or physically) and then what you have is a riot. Then the blogs. Then the tweets. Then the mindless conspiracies, and the use of a COVID has been a great one to watch, particularly people who manipulate others (all the while knowing that they have gullible followers, or readers, who all share a common, and often uneducated, bias against the 'other side, left or right'.
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