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By Olivia Pierson
Right now in media circulation, a big lie is doing the rounds: that Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria is a secular regime. This is not true. The same lie was told about Saddam Hussein’s regime before he was overthrown from power in Iraq. Even some light surface reading on Saddam's Return to Faith Campaign will dispel that porky. In the last week or so, I have heard this lie coming from the lips of many media outlets and political commentators who should know better, like Nigel Farage, Ann Coulter, Paul Joseph Watson and Katie Hopkins (I deeply respect these four great people, but they happen to be wrong on this one). Apart from the fact that Assad has filled his administration only with Alawites (a sect of Shia Islam), the Syrian regime is a Baathist regime, as was the Iraqi administration under Saddam. The Baath Party is a form of Arab nationalism, conceived as an anti colonialist, socialist movement for Arabs which liked to advertise itself as secular and borrow ideas from the Enlightenment such as ‘truth’ and freedom of speech. It emphasises ‘truth’ as interpreted by the scholarship of Islam, not truth interpreted by the scholarship of scientific thought as the European Enlightenment emphasised. There was no freedom of speech under Saddam’s brutal police state neither does it exist in Assad’s Syria. So much for the Arabs making claims on the Enlightenment - the truth is the Arab world has never had one and that is why it’s such a sectarian mess. If Syria is so secular someone might like to explain why there are no Jews living there? We know Jews were heavily persecuted under Bashar al-Assad’s Baathist father, Hafez al-Assad. They were even forbidden to leave Syria for Israel. During the 1990s the small Jewish population left in Damascus were under heavy state surveillance by Assad’s secret police in their homes, their schools and their synagogues. Does that sound like a secular family dynasty to you? It has never been a secret that Bashar al-Assad sponsors Islamic terrorism, not only of the Shi’ite variety like Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, but also Sunni terrorism which has now mutated into ISIS. He allowed Al Qaeda terror training camps to operate in Syria, in order to ensure that terrorists kept pouring across the border into Iraq to fight the Multinational Forces led by the United States. This is widely known. But what is not as widely known in mainstream media circles is that according to former Alawite members of Syria's Military Intelligence, Assad opened the doors of his slaughterhouse, Saydnaya prison, to allow the most radically murderous Al Qaeda terrorists and ex-Iraqi Baathists to be released and abetted because he thought the Multinational Forces might eventually come for him too. In 2011 he let these savages out fully knowing they would ravage, rape and butcher their way through Syrian towns so that he could look like the strongman standing between peace or extreme terrorism in his own country. This risk to his regime was one he was willing to live with as a calculated distraction from the original peaceful protesters crying out for democracy and gaining world attention. At first this ruse worked, now it has backfired. Since when did a so called ‘secular’ butcher have any more credence in Western eyes than a sectarian butcher? Why are commentators clinging to this false detail and promulgating it? I know the answer to that - it is because they think it adds weight to making the case for non- intervention in Syria’s civil war. Take a look at this staggeringly complex list of militias and armed groups currently fighting in Syria as I write: List of armed groups in the Syrian civil war... How could anyone look at this list and say with a straight face that Assad’s Syria has operated as a secular regime?! I understand the rational apprehension people have toward the idea of a Western intervention in Syria’s ghastly war. President Trump gained so much support for his ‘no foreign entanglements’ rhetoric, while he was also talking on the campaign trail about building “safe zones” in Syria - that was a dual minded proposition right there. But since his strike last week on a Syrian airbase over Assad’s disgusting use of chemical weapons (again) on his own defenseless civilians it is clear to me that the language coming out of the President’s administration is beginning to sound as though regime change may be on the cards in their minds. Nicky Haley, along with Rex Tillerson, are making the case that there cannot be a stable Syria with Assad at the helm, and I think that is obvious. If this is so, the yuuuuuuuge problematic question on everyone’s lips will be if not Assad, who would fill the power vacuum? Assad is obviously an evil and incompetent leader - just look at the gutted ruins of half his country and the refugee crisis it has unleashed into the Western world. So much for a “strongman” who holds these problems at bay from impacting the West. What seems to not exist in anyone’s vision for a new Syria is some sort of model to act upon. Iraq is the closest thing we have as an example of a way to deal with Assad, but the cost of Iraq has been terrible. However, what made the situation in Iraq infinitely worse than it had to be was after a decade of war, President Obama got handed a victory there, the result of General Petraeus’ surge. Obama turned that hard-won victory into a defeat by blazingly sign-posting U.S troop withdrawal and failing to negotiate a decent Status of Forces Agreement. The result was ISIS, with the U.S Forces having to go back in to retrain Iraqi Security Forces and help clean up once more. This was a disaster Obama could and should have avoided had he but once listened to the counsel of President Bush. But there it is, being only a Social Justice Warrior President, he was stupendously out of his depth as an effective, real world Commander in Chief. It is worth noting that the regimes sympathetic to totalitarianism, Iran, North Korea, China and Russia are all involved with supporting armaments to the Assad regime. It looks as though the Trump administration is about to act militarily in North Korea, or at least push China to. Before I end this post, I will remind people that U.S intervention has at times been extraordinarily successful. The reason that the once imperialist, murderous Japanese regime of Hirohito and Tojo is now a wealthy, peaceful democratic country is because of U.S intervention and a relatively short occupation. The reason that South Korea does not look anything like totalitarian North Korea is because of a U.S military intervention. In the case of Japan it was total defeat and unconditional surrender thanks to the atomic bomb. When I look at Assad’s Syria he has consciously driven his country into the ground resulting in a spectacularly failed nation, if not a rogue nation propped up by dubious countries like Iran and Russia. If anti-interventionists want to make the case for leaving the Middle East well alone to destroy itself (and keep from impacting the West), without the meddling of NATO nations, then fine, now is the time to clearly make that case. But please spare us from the silly myth that the case is greatly fortified by the fictional notion of Assad being a secularist strongman who is keeping terrorism in check. That is pure camel dung. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
19/4/2017 01:03:30 am
Reading your comments on everything fills me with hope and joy. You are what I believed would be Objectivist "woman" when I first discovered Rand. Maybe in NZ life is different but in the USA Objectivist "woman" is a nightmare that rivals the constipated, omnipotent male creatures a la Brook. Lurking over the shadow of Dominique
19/4/2017 02:15:02 am
Well..... Thatcher would be close. :-)
19/4/2017 09:37:39 pm
I used the other women as great examples of individuals possessing a vagina not as competition for Rand who was sui generis. To that list I would add Ivanka and Ann Coulter, two outstanding "pussies" few men could match.
19/4/2017 10:35:40 pm
Yes, the lack of desire for family is not just a feature of many Obj women, but also the men. It's peculiar considering what benefits and rewards in a selfish sense come from having and raising a clan. The friendship of one's adult children is worth the effort alone.
20/4/2017 09:50:28 pm
You remind me of my feisty and gutsy daughter Doreen and for that I am grateful. Ironically, as a young gal she would refer to certain men as "pussies" also, and I would always urge her to use better language, usually to no avail.
18/5/2017 07:08:07 am
the filth are everywhere and control everything so why do we need philosophy, ideas or your interesting essays...all we need is a rinsing and a bar of Dove while showering with fearless Lindsay Danger......
19/5/2017 01:03:13 am
... if only we could just shower it off, I wish. Clearly you don't understand the nature of filth very well. Only in a postmodern culture would it be so pandered to. Lindsay is right to call it out, again and again and again. The world would be a better place if more people were as persistent.
Jocelyn Spooner
18/5/2017 09:35:26 pm
Very funny remark about Lindsay and his filth obsession but psychology is way beyond most Objectivists.
19/5/2017 11:49:39 am
au contraire mon ami, I understand too well the corruption of our world and Perigo's approach is not the answer.
19/5/2017 09:22:00 pm
Well, if you have the answer, I'd be keen to hear it...
20/5/2017 09:01:24 am
You shock me! Did Rand refer to people as filth? Why are millions attracted to her vision of an uplifted world?
20/5/2017 10:24:27 pm
Rand often referred to people as "evil" and "savages" - to say nothing of her essay on "the Drooling Beast."
20/5/2017 11:09:28 pm
yes, Rand went off the rails at times but her main thrust was a powerful, positive vision of a new world and a New Intellectual: ideas. Lindsay centers on the negative behavior of others making himself angry over behavior he has no control over. Criticizing others is not a winning strategy.
20/5/2017 11:33:30 pm
Martin, Lindsay is a very dear friend of mine, so like all great values in my life I will defend him to my last breath.
21/5/2017 10:13:27 am
Olivia said about Lindsay: "He is hilarious, sharply witted, big hearted, immensely perceptive and possesses a soaring intelligence and strong uncanny intuition."
21/5/2017 04:11:24 pm
Oh come now, you did not offer any "dialogue" - what interests you is snark & criticism. This silly habit among many Obj website trolls to pretend to offer some sort of compliment, while simultaneously cutting down another's efforts, then they protest they just want to discuss "ideas."
22/5/2017 01:50:51 pm
I came to know Lindsay through Chris Sciabarra who at that time was a great fan of Lindsay. The homosexual book was making the rounds and it served as a lifesaver for me. Lindsay was the first to speak up for gay Objectivists who were treated with contempt at that time.
22/5/2017 05:06:27 am
Am I a troll? Then why reply to me?
22/5/2017 03:28:29 pm
Lindsay has not changed, I assure you.
Steve Defranco
30/5/2017 11:17:03 am
Since this has gone way off topic into a Lindsay Perigo referendum, I'd like to chime in my support both for virtually all his positions (I haven't read them all) and for the style he uses to express them. His Make Objectivism Great Again letter was one the best things I've read in years. They really are filth. They really have distorted Objectivism. One should be passionate about this. (I'd compliment him on SOLO, but they won't let me on....)
30/5/2017 11:54:37 pm
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