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By Olivia Pierson
[First published on Incite Politics 23/6/18] When I consider what has gone on in the UK with Tommy Robinson’s swifter than quicksilver arrest, trial and imprisonment (again), I can’t help but notice how these events have exposed a fault line between the people who ought to be banding together on the same side. Nigel Farage, arguably one of the most controversial figures in Britain has publicly offered Robinson a vote of no support. After dutifully abiding by the gag restraint on speaking about Robinson for four days after his arrest (as if that doesn’t indicate a serious problem with Free Speech in the UK right there – a gag order on the arrest of the guy who broke a different gag order!) Farage had this to say on his show: “…He was warned that he was in breach of that [court order]…frankly, the judge had almost no choice but to give him a jail sentence. I think Robinson, frankly, was out there asking for trouble and I don’t think it was a very bright thing to do.” Daniel Hannan agrees with him and took the time to write an article about it treacherously titled “The Real Story and Why Tommy Robinson Belongs in Prison.” Hannan refers to the fact that Robinson was already on a suspended sentence from a year earlier where the judge had warned him in no uncertain terms: “In short, Mr Yaxley-Lennon [Tommy’s real name], turn up at another court, refer to people as ‘Muslim paedophiles, ‘Muslim rapists’ and so and so forth while trials are ongoing and before there has been a finding by a jury that that is what they are, and you will find yourself inside. Do you understand?” Hannan concludes his article with these words: “Tommy Robinson and his followers often demand that immigrants “obey our laws” — and, of course, they are quite right. It would be intolerable to apply the criminal justice system differently because of someone’s race, religion or opinions. And that is why, in the end, it is right for Robinson to serve his time.” .E nd quote. This from Hannan would be utterly laughable if it weren’t so disturbingly selective. From the very beginning of his activism, Robinson has been shouting from the rooftops that the justice system is being applied differently because of race, religion and opinions – and it is Muslims who are being protected, while anyone else who draws attention to their crimes and hatred is persecuted. And Robinson has been proved correct on this. The industrial scale rape and sexual abuse of British girls in Rotherham (not to mention Rochdale and Telford) by Muslim rapists and paedophiles, while social workers, police and city councillors looked the other way, is the real price of “diversity.” To date, out of the 110 men arrested in the Rotherham case, only four have been convicted and handed prison sentences, yet there were over 1500 vulnerable girls used, beaten, tortured and indescribably violated over a period of 20 years. The inquiry is nowhere near close to being complete even though it is now in its fourth year. When I say "indescribably violated" I mean things that one doesn't ever want to have to describe in a million years - and I weep as I write this. But for the purpose of driving the point home about the utter evil of these Pakistani/Kashmiri heritage Muslim subhumans, I will describe it: girls being urinated and ejaculated in and upon by up to 36 men at a time, both orally and vaginally, girls being dowsed in flammable liquid and danced around by men with burning lighters as they laugh, girls being raped with broken bottles and delivered home bleeding and maimed for life, one girl having her tongue nailed to a table because she said "she'd tell," girls being anally raped with anything these dirty, disgusting pigs can lay their hands on. Get the egregious, sordid, disgusting, unspeakable picture? And this is just the UK - god knows what the reality is in Sweden, Germany, France and beyond! Katie Hopkins, arguably the most vocally anti-Islamic woman in the UK (aside from Jayda Fransen who is now also serving time in prison), has said to Tucker Carlson that even if one thinks Tommy is an idiot – a view to which she “in some ways concurs” – where was the swift justice for the victims of the grooming gangs? Where was the swift justice for the 11 year old that was raped? If we can get Tommy in prison within five hours, where was the swift justice for these men and where was the swift justice for the victims. Hopkins also points out that this sentence for Tommy is a death sentence and the government knows it. This is a way to cleanse people who speak out against the establishment. Melanie Phillips, columnist, commentator and prolific blogger, who can usually be relied upon for the sound voice of reason, has also gone on record for showing Robinson no support by stating that: “For the reason Yaxley-Lennon was locked up was nothing to do with free speech or the nature of his political views…It had everything to do instead with defending the rule of law and the principle of a fair trial. That’s why he was arrested and jailed so fast. It had nothing to do with suppressing his views. It was not because he was merely “reporting” on a case. It had everything to do with upholding the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial.” In the same article, Phillips references the gag order: “Once reporting restrictions have been fully lifted, I may write about this further with the freedom to explain things I am not yet allowed to talk about here.” Oh the irony! This is nothing to do with freedom of speech, she claims, whilst citing her legal restriction on being allowed to speak! But then there is that good old dutchie Geert Wilders, the staunchly clear thinking politician who has faced his own persecution in Holland for speaking out against Islam. Previously banned from entering the UK, he boldly traveled there anyway hoping he’d be let in to speak at the huge Free Tommy Robinson rally in London on June 9th. Amazingly, he was let in. “Tommy Robinson is the greatest freedom fighter of Britain today. We want Tommy out! Tommy Robinson says what no one dares to say. He has guts. He has courage. And that is more than we can say for all those people who govern us. Because our governments sell us out with immigration, with Islamisation and open borders, we are almost foreigners in our own lands and if we complain about it they call us racists or Islamophobes…. I say enough is enough! We will not be gagged anymore.” There is also the free speech stalwart Mark Steyn who has weighed in on this case. “You can say a lot of things about Tommy Robinson, but he’s one of the embarrassingly small number of Britons who recognises the horror inflicted on those young and vulnerable girls on the receiving end of “diversity” and seeks to do something about it.” Steyn, who has traveled to Rotherham to talk with some of the girls whose lives will never be anything close to normal after being repetitively violated, also notes that: “It is striking to read Judge Norton’s sentencing remarks from last year (Judge Marson’s do not appear to be available: he rules in darkness). Her Honor huffs and puffs about Mr Robinson referring to “Muslim paedophiles” and “Muslim child rapists”. I can appreciate that that might be vaguely annoying if one were a non-paedophile Muslim – although evidently not so annoying that spokespersons for the wider Muslim community never rouse themselves to object to all the industrial-scale sex slavery. But it is a fact that in 21st-century England – in Yorkshire, in Shropshire, in Lancashire, in Oxfordshire, in the Home Counties – child-rape gangs are Muslim. It is a phenomenon, one that has never existed previously in the British Isles and one which will continue and metastasise until there is honest debate about it.” Amen. Out of all of these bold Brexiteers, all of them highly aware and in agreement about the problem Islam poses to the West, only two, Wilders and Steyn, unequivocally offer up full-throated solidarity, without apology or disclaimer, at the injustice of Robinson’s lightening quick imprisonment. The obvious reason being espoused for not standing in support of Robinson is because he broke the rule of law, and upstanding, respectable citizens who respect the legal system cannot be seen to condone this. My problem with those who hold that myopically legalistic view in regard to this particular case is that the crimes Robinson was reporting on are so profoundly egregious at the same time as being so touchily handled, when not being outrightly ignored, by the British press. I find this utterly chilling, and although I’m not one to often quote the Bible at people, for I am not a believer, it brings to mind the story of the chastisement Jesus saw fit to fling at the law-obsessed Pharisees when he observed that they were not practising real justice: “You hypocrites! You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel." The gnat of Tommy Robinson’s infraction of the law should not be eclipsing the camel of this now entrenched phenomenon of widespread gangs of Muslim animal rapists using young, unguarded British girls to practise their sexual depravity and violence upon, while too few people give a damn, or dutifully observe legal gag orders for the purpose of not letting these malevolent, offensive crimes be spoken about. If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book "Western Values Defended: A Primer"
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